I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
Been reading Anne Rice's Beauty series
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- 2
- 3
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- 5
Not yet, but I've read Anne Rice's vampire series and enjoyed her writing as I enjoy a big, fat slice of chocolate cake. I'd be interested to hear your take on her Beauty series, though. Curious about them in terms of both writing style and erotic merit.
I've never read any of her stuff, but I really want to now!
I haven't read any of them. I keep thinking I might want to, but then I keep thinking that they're by Anne Rice which stops me in my tracks
I have read the first, own all 3, I need to re-read the first before doing the other 2
Originally posted by
I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
you can try paperbackswap.com for the 3rd book
they do not fit her normal style at all, I am a total anne rice vampire series buff, but these are SOOO different.
Originally posted by
I haven't read any of them. I keep thinking I might want to, but then I keep thinking that they're by Anne Rice which stops me in my tracks
I've read them and though it was a long time ago, from what I remember I really enjoyed them. The writing style is very descriptive and enjoyable. I would also recommend reading Justine by the Marquis de Sade, the writing style is similarly enjoyable and the historical significance is a nice addition.
Great question! I actually haven't read them yet. I have the first one here, though, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I hope it's good.
I read these years ago, and at the time my eyes almost fell out of my head. I was young, inexperienced and hadn't even imagined half of what she was writing about. However, even at that age I felt she "jumped the shark" by the middle of book two.
Looking back as an adult, the taboo factor seems almost gone, and I find myself bothered by the lack of realism even for a fairytale. C'est la vie, thankfully the NRBC finds new stuff to keep me entertained.
Looking back as an adult, the taboo factor seems almost gone, and I find myself bothered by the lack of realism even for a fairytale. C'est la vie, thankfully the NRBC finds new stuff to keep me entertained.
I read them. I liked them at first, and they were nice and all, but I started to dislike Beauty's character more and more. She just...irritated me, as do most submissives portrayed in books. It was well-written though, Anne Rice is very good!
I've read them off and on since puberty or so. My mom had them and I would read them when she wasn't around. lol
Originally posted by
I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
I've read all of them, and I loved them. I never knew Anne Rice was such a freak!
I had a little clue when I read the period eating scene in Memnoch the Devil
Originally posted by
I've read all of them, and I loved them. I never knew Anne Rice was such a freak!
I haven't read these, but I always hear people laughing about them.
Originally posted by
I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
I'm casually reading the first and like it so far. Some parts are a little extreme for my taste, but overall I'm really enjoying it.
Originally posted by
I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
I agree, I like BDSM erotica and dig the Sleeping Beauty twist, but these are a bit out there. Although some moments are borderline creepy, I've really enjoyed what I've read of the first.
Originally posted by
they do not fit her normal style at all, I am a total anne rice vampire series buff, but these are SOOO different.
They are the only books by Anne Rice that I actually like.
Originally posted by
I finished the first one, and just started the second (gotta get the third-saving up points!! ). Anyone read these? What did you think?
I am in the same boat. I read them nearly 16 years ago and to this day, every now and then some scenes make their way into my fantasies.
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
They are the only books by Anne Rice that I actually like.
I read them years ago when I was a teenager. I love Anne Rice. I don't feel like the series compares to her other works, but I did enjoy the books. I was recently thinking about re-reading them, I think I would get more out of them now than when I was so young and inexperienced.
yup there have been certain "torture" devices from the first book that have made their way into my dreams, very good dreams lol
Originally posted by
I am in the same boat. I read them nearly 16 years ago and to this day, every now and then some scenes make their way into my fantasies.
I haven't read them...yet. All three are in my cart though waiting to be gotten.
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