How long does it usually take for an article you submit, once accepted, to appear on Sexis? Will you get notified or should one just check every couple of days?
#AskEden - How do you know when your article publishes?
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I've submitted several fantasies to the EF marketing department and about four months have passed without any response. In my opinion, you may be waiting a lot longer that a couple of days. Good luck in your efforts.
The fantasies and Sexis are separate entities. I'm looking into this for you, so bare with me.
Originally posted by
I've submitted several fantasies to the EF marketing department and about four months have passed without any response. In my opinion, you may be waiting a lot longer that a couple of days. Good luck in your efforts.
@Mwar - How long it takes for an article to publish depends on the article's content and our submission load. Keep an eye on the mag, or your profile under "Articles and Reviews". It'll turn up in both places on publishing.
@PassionateLover2 - SexIs and the fantasies are different programs. I'm sorry your fantasies slipped through the cracks. We'll check into this and remedy it as soon as possible!
@PassionateLover2 - SexIs and the fantasies are different programs. I'm sorry your fantasies slipped through the cracks. We'll check into this and remedy it as soon as possible!
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