Do you buy unnecessary items?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I have an idea of what I'm going to buy, based on need, desire and how many points I have. Then, sometimes when you use a GF or redeem points, you have some points left over, and I'll look at things like make up and even inexpensive items like individual wipes to fill the order up to the penny.

I have a couple of "Cum Clean" wipes, individually wrapped in my cubbies of my headboard in my bed. I am saving them for when we need them.
Contributor: Alx Alx
only buy something if I absolutely have my mind set on it, otherwise I leave with what I intended - even though sales are mighty tempting.
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
Sometimes. I like to get free shipping so I'll usually buy enough items to get to the $59 mark.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
If there's a sale going on, I sometimes buy things that I don't know if I like or not. It's so bad of me.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by MamaDivine
Do you find yourself coming to EF to buy one thing and find a slew of other things you may not really NEED or be interested in, but since theres a deal/buy one get one free or some other awesome sale that you find yourself not being able to resist? ... more
.if its on sale!