Where did EdenTasks go?

Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Hey guys!

I have a question for you all. So I was approved to become an editor this go around, but I'm having a problem with EdenTasks. Every time I go there to pick up an assignment, I find that there aren't any assignments listed. I've gone there different times of the day, several times a day, and I still have yet to pick up my first editing assignment.

It's super frustrating because since we only have a three month rotation, I've almost gone through my first month and I haven't been able to do anything. Is there a way that I'm going to the wrong place or is it a glitch on my part? I've emailed Sammi, but I'm just wondering if anyone is having the same problem as me.

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Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
It sounds like you're just hitting it at the wrong time of the day. There are 35 editors all trying to get tasks at about the same time.

It was hilarious the other night - there were 8 reviews that built up between 10:15 and 10:59 pm CST (an hour behind EST). At 11:02 pm, as the clock rolled over to a new day - ALL 8 were gone. I know - I had one of them but I was checking back in just to see.

All I can say is to keep checking.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Holy hell! Thanks for that, Hot 'N Sexy. I didn't know how freakin' competitive it is lol
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
I keep it open in a tab and check it whenever I remember, but it's very competitive; more than once I've clicked on a task to take it and had it already gone in the time it took to click.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I sent you an email just now, but that's your best bet - check at different times of the day. The pace slows down some as the rotation goes on, but right now at the beginning the reviews are being snatched up pretty quickly
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
thank you for your quick responses, all! And thank you, Sammi, I just read it. I'll try to check it more often and be more quick. I'm just glad nothing is broken.