I've been 'anally exploratory' since my mid-teens, so I don't have much of a comparison on myself. But I have often wondered if my proclivity for anal play has improved my digestive health, by giving me an incentive to eat well.
I know often when eating out with friends, I'll stay away from fried foods that they'll eagerly snap up, and I seem to eat a lot more fiber than the average person my age. I know a handful of times I will actually say to myself "hmm... that sounds tasty but I was looking forward to [something anal] tonight/tomorrow so I think I'll pass." But more often, it's just become a habit to eat well, and it's not something I think of all the time.
I'd always wondered quietly whether this was just me, or if other people noticed their eating habits improve (and their health improve, as a result) when they got into anal play---and just now in this thread I got a little confirmation, so naturally I became curious enough to make a thread.
I know often when eating out with friends, I'll stay away from fried foods that they'll eagerly snap up, and I seem to eat a lot more fiber than the average person my age. I know a handful of times I will actually say to myself "hmm... that sounds tasty but I was looking forward to [something anal] tonight/tomorrow so I think I'll pass." But more often, it's just become a habit to eat well, and it's not something I think of all the time.
I'd always wondered quietly whether this was just me, or if other people noticed their eating habits improve (and their health improve, as a result) when they got into anal play---and just now in this thread I got a little confirmation, so naturally I became curious enough to make a thread.