What would the best time to try anal be?
Best time to start anal?
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I don't know that there is any one right answer here because everybody is different, but for me, I'd say LTR. You need to relaxed and comfortable with your partner and to have good communication. I think I'd have a hard time relaxing enough to enjoy it with a one night stand or even a new relationship. But that's just me.
Whenever both partners are comfortable with doing so?
Its not about how long your relationship is; your long-term partner may be very aggressive and difficult to stop/slow down, meaning they may not be ready for that first for a while. You may also just meet someone that is a 'pro' and knows what to do and how, and may give you the best anal fuck of your life. It is more important to know that you can trust your partner to pay attention to signals, know the basics (lots of lube, etc.,). At whatever time that trust builds is the right time.
When the receiver is comfortable with their partner and trust them to stop if need be. It would also depend on the receivers experience, if they have never done it then it should be taken slow. This could mean a LTR.
If the girl is willing, does it matter? I don't think so.
Very much depends on the people involved
I wanted to select all of the above, but I think that one one night stands it could be risky. It is so easy to really hurt a partner by doing this wrong that I think people should at least know what kind of lover their partner is before allowing them that kind of access. I do not however, think that this should take years or even months. Like most of the others I think it depends on the people and relationship.
Depends on a lot of factors, but to me - only on special occasions.
It's really going to depend mostly on the experience of the recipient. If both parties are experienced so that there is little chance of injury then it could happen any time you wanted it to. If the recipient is new to it, then a long term relationship would probably be better because there will need to be some trust there. If the giver is not experienced, but is willing to receive instructions from an experienced recipient, then it could probably be done in any case.
If you're interested then the best time to start moving towards anal is the same as the best time to plant a tree - today. Keep in mind that anal doesn't necessarily need to be with a partner, nor does it need to be penile-anal sex. In fact it really shouldn't be penile-anal sex until both partners are comfortable with anal stimulation and the roles they're going to be playing. You need to be able to trust the other person before you'll be able to relax enough to make it happen nicely.
Personally I would definitely wait for a long-term relationship, but that's just the way I am. I keep sex for my wife and we can trust each other 100%, and I don't think I'd be comfortable with it in a relationship that was any less.
Personally I would definitely wait for a long-term relationship, but that's just the way I am. I keep sex for my wife and we can trust each other 100%, and I don't think I'd be comfortable with it in a relationship that was any less.
Definitely long term. It takes a lot of trust for one thing. Nobody wants to have a bad reputation.
I put a long term relationship but I should think each person may be different. I guess the answer should be when you and your partner want too.
I think it would have more to do with the people involved. because it is something the two of you can try anytime you are alone together. so, any of the above options except for one night stand, could be the right answer. but it has to be when both of you are ready.
Did anyone else see the title and think of it in terms of the proverb on planting a tree: the best time is today?
I agree. You need to be comfortable with it before you try it. If you feel forced into it, your not going to have the right head to decide if you like it or not.
The first time I had anal was a one night stand, trust me it isn't the best choice. I wasn't comfortable enough with them for it to be a really enjoyable experience :S Don't make the same mistake I did!
LTR, definitely.
I want to be pretty comfortable with the person and very trusting of them! So a long term is/was best for me. I'm married now so I guess it doesn't really matter. But I would def. not do it on a one night, even back in the day!!
Originally posted by
What would the best time to try anal be?
I was pressured my first time and I ended up hating it and cried, it hurt like hell. You want someone who you can trust, who you know will listen and cares if you say stop, slow, or no more.

Anal should be saved for that someone special, I think. It is a couples dirty little secret. I am sure some women use it for birth control, but I would recommend with sticking with head instead. There's less mess and more respect in the end, not the back end. Your butt-cherry should be reserved for the LTR. It will mean more, and he will listen to you to stop or go slow, because he cares how it feels for you. He will not expect you to TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, prison style.
any time really as long as your comfortable with your partner.
i dont think there really is a right answer to this it just depends on the person
Originally posted by
What would the best time to try anal be?
I think you need to be real confortable with it for you to really enjoy it
Is there ever a wrong time to try anal?
When you're with someone who either you don't trust or doesn't deserve your trust, when you're not completely comfortable with anal, or when you're otherwise worried.
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Is there ever a wrong time to try anal?
For me most likely long term relationship but I don't really know. It just depends on what I feel comfortable with doing with whoever I'm with.
Anal is a slow process with someone you KNOW and TRUST and not even "started" in a single session...but developed over time. Long term relationship a MUST in my book.
Originally posted by
What would the best time to try anal be?
Not if "today" is a thunderstorm, or drought. There is a "right time" and a "wrong time" for just about any of life's activities. It takes intelligence and clear headed consideration to define between the two, sometimes.
Originally posted by
Did anyone else see the title and think of it in terms of the proverb on planting a tree: the best time is today?
....YES...a one night stand, as she lists? That is WAY wrong, in my book. Risk exceeds reward by about a million percent.
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Is there ever a wrong time to try anal?
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