This is for the purposes of fiction, not for actual use. For actual use, the obvious answers can be found among the wide variety of actual lubes available.
Anyway, say I want my characters to have unplanned sexytimes. What could they grab for this purpose which might plausibly be laying around the house -- okay, spaceship, whatever -- due to another main function, but which wouldn't cause any particular grief, or throw the reader out of the story while they contemplate possible consequences.
Soap or shampoo always make me cringe as a reader. But perhaps a food product? Or petroleum jelly, maybe?
Anyway, say I want my characters to have unplanned sexytimes. What could they grab for this purpose which might plausibly be laying around the house -- okay, spaceship, whatever -- due to another main function, but which wouldn't cause any particular grief, or throw the reader out of the story while they contemplate possible consequences.
Soap or shampoo always make me cringe as a reader. But perhaps a food product? Or petroleum jelly, maybe?