prostate massagers

Contributor: khuntley1955 khuntley1955
My wife would like a remote controlled prostate massager that is quiet enough that we can use it in a restaurant without the people in the next table knowing about it. She wants to be able to see my "suffering" in a public place. I would like it to be quiet AND comfortable. It doesn't have to be massively strong because I don't want to explode in public. (Although strong is good for when we are home.) She just wants it to be very effective in public so she can secretly drive me crazy. Does such a thing actually exist?
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Contributor: 4ever18 4ever18
Originally posted by khuntley1955
My wife would like a remote controlled prostate massager that is quiet enough that we can use it in a restaurant without the people in the next table knowing about it. She wants to be able to see my "suffering" in a public place. I would ... more
I own and highly recommend the Rimming P-spot Pleaser Vibrating Prostate Massager (Catalog ID: ETAX0115). The vibrations are intense (5 out of 5) but the noise is low (2 out of 5). See my product review titled "A Party For Your Booty!" Your wife will definitely enjoy watching you squirm in public!

However, before you get to excited about purchasing it, please note that it is currently out of stock. I suggest setting a notification for when it is available and then purchasing it. You won't regret it. Neither will your wife.

Feel free to message me directly with any questions.
Contributor: Leil@ Leil@
Originally posted by khuntley1955
My wife would like a remote controlled prostate massager that is quiet enough that we can use it in a restaurant without the people in the next table knowing about it. She wants to be able to see my "suffering" in a public place. I would ... more
Wow! I thought only girls like to play such games in public!
Take a look at the X-spot rotator, Langer, and the Swell P-spot. All of them are remote controlled and emit the whisper-like 2 out of 5 noise level.