Do you play vaginal first then go anal or do you sometimes do anal first, then "clean up" and switch to vaginal? Do you follow any pattern on this, or is it "just what moves you" that day?
To those who do anal and vaginal play in one session......
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Vaginal then anal 99% of the time.
We've never gone anal to vaginal - and don't expect to.
we have only gone A to V maybe twice. Heat of the moment type of thing. but I told him, Im really not ok with that the next day. So 99.99% of the time its V to A.
its always V to A.
We are always sure to use a condom, or clean up first!
Originally posted by
Do you play vaginal first then go anal or do you sometimes do anal first, then "clean up" and switch to vaginal? Do you follow any pattern on this, or is it "just what moves you" that day?
I do vagina than anal. I never do anal than vagina because I don't like stopping in the middle of sex and washing off. It kills the mood.
Originally posted by
Do you play vaginal first then go anal or do you sometimes do anal first, then "clean up" and switch to vaginal? Do you follow any pattern on this, or is it "just what moves you" that day?
i've always done vaginal to anal except once and it gave me a UTI... it wasn't fun! not doing that again...
A lot of times I go vaginal to anal but I definitely go anal to vaginal more than other people say they do. The important thing is to just clean up properly. Condoms make this really easy! I always have them handy so that when I strap up I can put one on and after penetration in one location I always switch condoms before moving to another location. Safe sex is sexy!!
We always go vaginal to anal, it makes it easier that way.
Swapping condoms, most easy way
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