Your most memorable sexual experience...

Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
What was your most memorable sexual experience? Why?

Mine was when my husband and I were dating, we drove under this bridge where he lived and had sex in the back. Its so memorable to me because I was SOOO incredibly nervous we were going to get caught...I guess the nervous tension made it more pleasurable. That was one of my best orgasms!!! LOL

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Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
Mine was actually a couple days ago, we spontaneously jumped on the chance to get it on, and we started playing, got interrupted my our daughter, then realized she didn't need us, then we started back and we used a large dildo, and he ended up in my ass and let's just say I can't remember when I had a better orgasm!
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
Sex on a beach i the middle of the night. It was very exciting.
Contributor: Crash Crash
Mine was also in a car. In my girlfriend's parents driveway. I don't know if it was the angle or the excitement of expecting to get caught or seen by someone driving by but it was amazing.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
For right now, probably just the first time with my boyfriend. It was his first time having sex, which I didn't know until he was on top of me.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Mine was on my honeymoon. We were having sex on this little ledge in our room with the curtains wide open watching people walk on the beach and seeing and hearing the ocean crash. It was amazing.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
For me, that would have to be the night we made love in the park close to midnight as a semi-light rain fell. Oh it was so hot and awesome!!!
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
The first time I had sex with my boyfriend. You know how there's usually this kind of awkward getting to figure out what the other person likes bit the first time you have sex? Not here, we just clicked and it was ridiculously good. I was on top of him and he said, "I can't believe this is the first time we're having sex." It will stick with me forever.
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
in the middle of my hubbies high school football field (50 yd line). thats was fun. had a little bit of trouble jumping the several gates and fences we had to go threw to get to the field. we were both pretty drunk and has a case with us aswell.
Contributor: Elbert's Angel Elbert's Angel
Mine was with my husband about 12yrs ago, our now 14yr old was about 18months at the time one morning he walked in on us my husband on top both of so into it we did not notice him standing there until he started hitting his dad yelling "STOP IT". My husband and I had a few good laughs over that one.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
The first time I had an orgasm from oral sex. I though my head was going to pop right off my head. After being with guys in high school that had absolutely no clue what they were doing down there, I was reluctant to let my college boyfriend (now hubby) even try. I really didn't even think it was possible to orgasm that way (I use to be very naive). Well, one night he convinced me to let him go down on me. I had no idea what I was in for. There aren't words to describe how it felt, so I'm not even going to try. I do remember, post-orgasm, just laying in bed for a long time completely numb and practically drooling. That was really the turning point for me in my sexual growth. After that I was much more willing and enthusiastic about having new sexual experiences.
Contributor: ID42 ID42
All our sex has been amazing since the get go... but every now and then there are definite "holy fuck" moments. We had an entire two week stretch back in '02 when we had some very incredible sex where he had me screaming every time I came. It was between our Anniversary and Valentine's. I ended up pregnant with our daughter in those two weeks. Heh. There have been plenty of others, but that time frame is the most relevant to us because of what we created in all that amazingly hot sex.