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I understand that many people are genetically inclined to be gay. I also understand that some people choose to be either temporarily or, in some cases, permanently gay. However, some like to use "homosexuality is a choice" as a battle cry,
I understand that many people are genetically inclined to be gay. I also understand that some people choose to be either temporarily or, in some cases, permanently gay. However, some like to use "homosexuality is a choice" as a battle cry, and others say "No! homosexuality is not a choice, it's a born inclination!"
My question is, who cares if someone "chooses" to live a homosexual lifestyle? Does choosing, rather than being genetically inclined, to be homosexual make you a poser or something?
A poser? If you are attracted to members of the same sex, you are either gay or lesbian. If you are attracted to members of either standard gender, you are bisexual. This isn't something you can (or should) force yourself to do if you don't feel aroused by people of the same sex.
When I was younger, saying you "identified as queer" was all the rage....for straight girls. Most of these girls were not lesbian nor bisexual. I know more than a few who pushed the "identification" so others would.....I don't know, be impressed with them? (These girls were NOT "experimenting" nor where they actually bisexual, this was done for attention, as their later behavior and even admission attested to.)
No, it isn't fair to real Gay and Lesbian people, because when in a relationship with someone who isn't really gay or lesbian,
their time is being wasted and often their hearts are broken, when someone is just playing them to get attention. You can't choose to be gay, you can't choose be straight.
I don't think you
can choose to be attracted to a gender, if you simply aren't. Kinsey has a scale of sexual orientation, based on numbers from 0, meaning completely heterosexual to 6, meaning completely homosexual. Most people fall somewhere in between 1 and 5.
If you are attracted to someone sexually, there is no "posing." Only those who claim "identification" to an orientation they KNOW they don't have can be accused of that.
Most people, when given a chance, and if they are open and honest with themselves, can be pretty astute and recognizing their orientation.
That being said, some people do experiment and find what they thought was an inclination was simply curiosity, (usually when young) that in itself is not dishonest. I think only when people pretend to be attracted to those they are not are being dishonest.
But, it's been proven that true homosexuality is biological, not a choice.