Best position to receive oral?

Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
you forgot kneeling on his face
Contributor: Hermosura21 Hermosura21
Laying down
Contributor: FrustratedFemme FrustratedFemme
Laying down, for sure. Both for her and for me. I hate it when she's sitting or standing because the floor hurts my knees, but I absolutely love it when she's laying on the bed moaning my name. Also, every time she's gone down on me while I was sitting or standing, I haven't been able to feel much. It's a nice power rush for the receiver, but not physically enjoyable.
Contributor: DaniDeee DaniDeee
Laying down seems to be the easiest position.
Contributor: katat katat
laying down. i feel uncomfortable about sitting on a partner
Contributor: rj979iu rj979iu
On me knees with her behind me has become my favorite!
Contributor: Mrcodex Mrcodex
Originally posted by zz1aag
I'm curious what you ladies think is the best position to be in/they be in when receiving oral.
In my opinion, when we are getting into the semi-hot to spicy hot foreplay, he'll lick his fingertips, spit on my tits, rub them between his fingers, nibbling, licking, or biting my ears, then switch to grabbing my throat sensually & lightly. Still biting, licking my ears, he'll whisper in my ear of how he's going to Fuck me, then continue kissing me on my neck and work down to my tits. ( I usually get goosebumps or tingly when he does this??)
After that bit of swoll action, he continues kissing my tits and tummy down to my thighs and legs. Back up to the thighs, nibbling, licking, grabbing, everything but my already dripping wet pussy! I swear he takes forever to finger me or eat me out! I'm already sitting on the edge about to splurge my juices everywhere, and he's taking his sweet time! Anyways, hell tease me and stop and do it again. He'll then play with my clit and insert his fingers in me and start softly, then get rougher and rougher, and when I'm about to cum he stops and starts to lick my clit.
Contributor: Crystal n Dustin Crystal n Dustin
Kneeling! Why isn't that an option?!?!? 10000% better than any other
Contributor: AC2070 AC2070
Good sensations in any way and is enjoyable but for me to orgasm I have to lay on my back