when you have sex with your gf does the top of your vag get bruised? everytime we have sex i get bruised and it hurts so bad but during sex i dont wanna make her stop even if its hurting me.
Does the top of your vagina ever get bruised?
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If something is hurting during sex it's best to stop. My gf has also bruised her vag before so we wait a few days for it to heal up. There are many things you can alter when sex is hurting, maybe changing the angle, the size of the toy you're using, using lube or a different kind of lube or more lube, slowing down the pace, etc. If your vagina is hurting do not continue to engage in vigorous sex. It's not going to get better that way. Bruising is a warning sign to change something in your sex life and just continuing through the pain can cause more problems later.
ouch! stop!
Yes it has happened. Especially when I wear a harness. We try to go slow and not to be like jackhammers. Usually changing up positions every time we get it on keeps us from re-bruising sensitive areas.
The top? Vulva? I can see that happening from the pubic bones grinding. I've never had it happen, although I've not engaged in that kind of play since high school I have a very.... chubby crotch. Lol. I guess extra padding? When my partner and I do it (male) I often have bruising around the lower area, one the sides near the entrance. I'm boney there and it will bruise and be sore if we've been rough.
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when you have sex with your gf does the top of your vag get bruised? everytime we have sex i get bruised and it hurts so bad but during sex i dont wanna make her stop even if its hurting me.
You guys might could try a really thin pillow or something padded like that in between?
yeah its from the pubic bones grinding lol and mine is kinda chubby too! hahah but it hurts but i dont want to make her stop because its already hard for her to get off in the first placee, so when she finds that stop i dont wanna be like oh you gotta stop! than who knows if she'll ever find it again!
ouch and no
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