If you have kids what do you usually spend on them for christmas
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Somewhere around 500 for each kid but that isn't set in stone and I tend to go over.
i dunno. total so far we got $390 f0r the 2 of them together. they r only 3 and almost 4 so its just fun toys and such
Originally posted by
If you have kids what do you usually spend on them for christmas
We don't have a lot to spend on them so less than $100 each. They're 5 and almost 3.
We have a 3 year old and 9month old, we are not setting a limit, just getting what we want to for them. I set 100 limit for my niece, but we spent 55 and got her something awesome
My son's birthday is less than a month apart from Christmas. I did all the shopping at one time. He just made three. I spent around $350 this year combined total. Last year I spent double that and he only played with half the stuff. So I decided to get less stuff this year. My mom also spent around the same on him. So he still ended up with a serious haul over a one month period. His room will be exploding in a few weeks.
A dollar or two per cat.
I live with two kids, (they are not mine, they belong to my amazing gf) and I spent around $10 on each. I'm not a parent, so serious loot isn't expected from me, just a cool gift from 'Miss Pixel'.
I just spoil the cats
Originally posted by
A dollar or two per cat.
We cap most gifts about $25, but leave it up to the person/present.
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