Have the fireworks started going off already? They are so annoying here!
Have the fireworks started going off already?
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There have been intermittent fireworks around my town (home users and not allowed to have airborne ones where I am now, but we neighbor a state where such fireworks are legal). The big shows won't start until Wednesday in my town.
Here in the south, GA to be exact, fireworks are pretty big. However, we've not had rain in around 2 months or more so we're not supposed to shoot em' this year. People still have been though, which is kind of scary. I love our July 4th parties, but looking at what Colorado is going through, I think we should all be patient enough out here to put our fire working off until it's safer.
Originally posted by
Scarlette Starr
Have the fireworks started going off already? They are so annoying here!
A few people in my neighborhood have already started with the fireworks.
We live in a rural area and I always fear the dry grass and open flame...finger's crossed we make another 4th without a house fire.
Originally posted by
Scarlette Starr
Have the fireworks started going off already? They are so annoying here!
Yes, I have heard some this past weekend
I havent set any off, but i have def heard some.
We had a big celebration last night at the local park, along with a fireworks show. I took so many photos!
Not to much where I live.
Yup, and have been for a few days. The Baptist church a few blocks from my home sells them. I assume proceeds go to charity. Or perhaps they think enduring the racquet is good for the soul.
Can't the entire state of Arkansas is under an extreme burn ban we're having fires regularly.
There not even legal here and they've been going off every night for almost a week now. Blah!
We actually have already had the big city fireworks with the festival, celebration and everything already...I was like wow nothing like doing this super flipping early...I wish they woulda at least waiting until July (they did it all on June 30th).
I heard them going off last night.
Unfortunately yes. For the last 3 days. And it has been terrifying our dogs non-stop. I really wish the jerks who do it would wait until the 4th, some of us have pets and don't like comforting them until 3am several days in a row...
No not yet. The fireworks are tomorrow. I'm sure after the big fireworks there will be some and I'm sure on the 4th. I don't mind at all. It is only for a few minutes.
Our town set theirs off on Saturday night..and didn't advertise it!! Lot of ticked off people!!
It's been going off here and there, I find it annoying too.
Originally posted by
Scarlette Starr
Have the fireworks started going off already? They are so annoying here!
We hear fireworks a couple days before the 4th and a couple days after. It's not awful...but I feel bad for my dad because he is a vietnaum vet and hearing fireworks (if he is not expecting them) can make him have flashback. I also feel bad for my dogs because the fireworks scare them. Not really anything we can do though so my dad stays in the basement after dinner because they can't be heard down there.
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