Anyone going away for Thanksgiving? I'll be in Vegas!
Thanksgiving Travels - where will you be?
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We usually don't travel for holidays, but this Thanksgiving we're probably heading up to my Mom's house. Found a trans-friendly horse farm that has private cabins up there, so we're going to spend a few days in the cabins then Thanksgiving with the family (as scary as that is).
My family is close by so I won't be travelling.
I wish I was going to Vegas for Thanksgiving. I'm going to Florida for Halloween....and I can't wait!
I don't travel for thanksgiving. I do have family that shows up from out of town to my house though. My daughters birthday is the 26th, so we party during the holiday.
East coast
Strictly stay-at-home, since we don't have family in this state - most of them hadn't left the fifty mile radius they were born in up in the Midwest. Friends in the area sometimes join us, though.
I am just going to my parents house, 45 minutes away or so.
nah I'm staying home probably
I'll be going to meet my partner's extended family in Buffalo, NY freezing my arse off.
There was talks of us going up to my great aunt's house because my aunt and her family are supposedly coming out, but I doubt it will happen.
I'll be in Central Illinois with my partner's family.
Here at home, but when we lived in CT we used to go to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving and Christmas for a family get together.
I hope you all have a nice time.
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