Do you enjoy stuffing (dressing) that was cooked inside the turkey on Thanksgiving? We just had an animated discussion with this over dinner with friends. Most either love it, or hate it. How about you?
Turkey Stuffing. Yum or yuk?
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There's always so much to eat already. I save room for other stuff. Rather have more meat and pie. I'll eat a little since she already cooked it.
Stuffing inside to me is yuck. Dressing outside is fine.
Depends on what's inside of the dressing. Usually, I like it, however some people get a little crazy with the ingredients and add some stuff that I don't care for. For me, when that happens, it is ruined.
My family doesn't cook their dressing in the turkey. So I can't say if I like it or not cooked inside the turkey.
love it yummy
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