I got some lovely Japanese Kokeshi dolls in this style:
link That's just one of the 4 I got, all different designs, and I think they're lovely! Also got some small Fu Dogs:
After that got some candy, a jacket (it's too small...
), a thin long sleeved shirt, (why do people buy me thin clothes?), a 25 buck gift card to Game Stop, and some pocky. With the gift card (plus extra money I had) I went and bought Infamous and Zelda Spirit Tracks, the book to the Zelda game, and the Silet Hill Shattered Memories guide I didn't have. Oh! And my bf got me Gmod on Steam, it's such a random game, I was facing a dragon in a helicopter.
I never got the socks and underwear I wanted, so with extra cash I was given for xmas, I finally got some socks, underwear, and new work shoes. Seriously, the one time I NEED certain clothes, I never get it, and I told everyone I needed them since the beginning of December!