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Before flat screens, came those fat, heavy TV's with a picture tube. Do you still have any picture tube TV's in your home (that you actually watch)?
We have a fairly new flat screen in the living room. But we have an old, very small tube TV in the bedroom. I can't wait for it to go (we can't justify buying something expensive like a television unless the old one no longer works) so we can get a small flat screen in the bedroom.
The tube TV we have in our bedroom is so old is had a VHS player in it. The player doesn't work and hasn't for years. The screen is so small that I can barely see what is on the TV from the bed and can not read the listings or subtitles. I can't wait for it to break so we can get a new flat screen one that is better and larger.
I finally got my husband to throw away the old (I mean OLD) huge tube TV his mother gave us. She has a habit of using our house as her personal garbage dump. It doesn't work (he insists "it still works a little" and that we should have saved it for an emergency) but it was taking up a huge amount of floor space in our home library and I bumped into it in the dark one night and hurt my foot. He finally put it out on the curb and it was gone in minutes. (We have a lot of people who do scavenger work in our area, so I knew the TV would probably be taken by someone who would fix it up for their family or to sell.)
Now, if we can only get rid of that tiny tube TV in our bedroom and get one I can SEE, I'll be happy. I like to watch
Mad Men and
Call the Midwife in the bedroom on Sunday nights, and we watch
Sunday Morning in the morning together, but my eyesight is getting worse and this little TV is just too small.