I love to read. I have a huge library of paper books and just got a cheap 1st gen Nook for christmas (pawn shop for $30). I only download free books and have amassed a huge library already. I prefer my nook because I can cart an entire library without taking up much room, but I love that my Nook looks like pages from a book.
Ebooks or paper books?
I've had this discussion before, particularly in two college classes last fall, so I've thought a lot about why I'm so partial to a paper book. I think a lot of it is that comfort factor one gets from the familiar sensations of holding the book, turning its pages, and seeing and feeling the textures. It makes me think of curling up with a book in winter with a hot cup of tea or cocoa, or in front of a fireplace, or in a steamy bubblebath...or of relaxing in a beach chair on a warm, breezy summer day. Somehow, holding an electronic device doesn't give me any of those warm, safe, comfortable associations. Is this just because I grew up reading books, and they were my escape from the world? Or is it something inherent in the feel and smell of ink on wood-pulp?
I prefer paper books, but I have an e-reader.
Originally posted by
Which do you prefer? I've thought about getting an e-reader but I tend to buy used books pretty cheap so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it.
The first time I ever heard of an e-reader, I was walking into a Borders and someone started trying to tell me about them/sell me one and I scoffed at them and told them I'd never get one. They tried SO hard to sell me one until I was the bratty 16/17 year old that I was and told them that I until they made e-readers smell like books, I'd never get one.
Paper books, I love the smell and texture!
Originally posted by
Which do you prefer? I've thought about getting an e-reader but I tend to buy used books pretty cheap so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it.
I actually have a hard time reading ebooks. I mean, I love reading, and have no troubles using a computer (clearly, judging by the fact that I'm on Eden 24 hours a day), but for some reason I can't get in to the story as well when it's on my screen.
Originally posted by
Which do you prefer? I've thought about getting an e-reader but I tend to buy used books pretty cheap so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it.
i prefer paper books
Up until just a few months ago, I said I hated e-books. Then, my significant other gifted me a large collection of e-books, and now I love it. I don't have an e-reader yet, so I have to read them on my iPod or phone, but I LOVE the convenience.
i'd like to get into the screen-books, though i prefer paper because screens give me a headache after a few, straight hours of reading...
i read paper books only
Paper. I do, however, want an e-reader.
i like paper
I will always prefer paper. I love the feel of a book in my hands as I'm reading it. It makes me the book feel all the more real to me, and I don't get that from an ebook as easily.
paper books
Originally posted by
Which do you prefer? I've thought about getting an e-reader but I tend to buy used books pretty cheap so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it.
I love that so many avid computer users still love the paper book!