I have been looking at this forever and can't pull the trigger on buying one. Does anybody own one, and if so is it as fun as it seems? Are there any adult games you can play on it or is it just all kiddie games?
Xbox kinect
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I don't own one but they are getting better about integrating it with games and more adult games are in the works. Like Mass Effect's Kinect feature look fantastic, then you have Fable and Star Wars coming out that is Kinect. Ghost Recon is suppose to have some great Kinect features.
Originally posted by
Rod Ronald
I have been looking at this forever and can't pull the trigger on buying one. Does anybody own one, and if so is it as fun as it seems? Are there any adult games you can play on it or is it just all kiddie games?
I've only played one game on the Kinect - Kinect Adventures - and I had quite a lot of fun, despite the fact that I didn't have much space in my room to play. I think there are some 'adult' games on there, or soon will be.
I bought one exclusively to use the voice activated controls in Mass Effect 3. I found myself using it for everything. It's amazing for using netflix!
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