Do you read fanfics?

Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Not all fanfic is full of poor grammar. I like some of it, some I don't, I usually judge by the persons summary, if it sounds interesting, I'll read it.

Some people can come up with some good reads.
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
Ah! Fanfics! I've been reading them since 2004, or so. LOVE them. I've went through Harry Potter, Twilight, and the original slash, "Star Trek." Ah... SOme of my favorite stories are by ff writers. Love.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I read fanfic, but I'm really picky. Some of the fans do get it more right than the creators, but many do not, so that's not a fair thing to say. And like any genre, there's plenty of crap to wade through to find the good stuff.
Contributor: popples popples
I'm not ashamed to say that I love reading fanfic on my favorite characters from my favorite shows. I tend to think fanfic gets a bad wrap. There are some legitimately good well written stories out there.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Lol definitely no but I heard about some crazy fanfic with Ron and his SISTER... like a dirty one! I think that put me off forever if nothing did before..
Contributor: sixfootsex sixfootsex
RPG fanfics are fine. I've read a few and there are some really high-quality ones out there. That being said, any fanfic featuring literary characters makes me angry (and sometimes nauseous) on behalf of the original authors.
Contributor: Elliotstar Elliotstar
Originally posted by El-Jaro
My gf and I have a running disagreement on fanfics. She likes to read them, I loathe them with the heat of 1000 suns after getting duped by one years ago.

What're your thoughts?
I read them - especially the porny ones. Some fandoms, especially immature ones that have a lot of younger kids - like Harry Potter, most anime, etc - have tons of shit fics with only a few brilliantly written ones.

But my main fandoms, like Sherlock Holmes and Life on Mars have tons of awesome stuff - both shippy and not. Fanfic does not mean boring romantic idiocy always, and I think that's what some people forget.
Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
I read fanfiction, mainly for the different pairings and storylines that aren't found in the original, and to remind me of shows I loved that are now finished or cancelled. And for the smut, of course.

I find that quality of fanfiction varies a lot between fandoms - some have a lot of excellent fanfic, and some have a lot of crappy fanfic. I tend to find that the smaller the fandom, the better the quality of the fic. But even the ones with a lot of crappy fanfic have some awesome 'jewels' hidden in amongst the poorly-written Mary Sues.
Contributor: Mistress M. Mistress M.
I read fan fiction on occasion, but it has to be something interesting.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I used to read fan fiction including the smut kind in the past but not any more. I'm not as interested in fiction as i used to be so interesting in fan fiction went down in kind. If you find a good author they can be real good but when it is bad it is bad. I actually wrote a few chapter of a fanfic once, i stopped because I basically had like three good scene I could write, and i was complemented on those, but couldn't actually string them together well enough to make a complete story.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
I voted "Other", cause I used to read and even write them, but I don't anymore.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I read and write fic, and have for years.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Not exactly on topic, but something that you might find amusing. This is a link to a story about a dream involving a counseling center for fictional characters who have been the victim of fanfic.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
nah i find many fanfic writers are usually pretty terrible.
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
I love fanfic.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Generally no. Most, in my experience, are simply not great writers, and I prefer to read something that should, at the very least, be written by someone who knows how to write. Not saying all writers are great, but there's the implication that, since they're published, they should be half decent at the very least.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by El-Jaro
My gf and I have a running disagreement on fanfics. She likes to read them, I loathe them with the heat of 1000 suns after getting duped by one years ago.

What're your thoughts?
I read some not all
Contributor: ap-the-aper ap-the-aper
I said "other". I don't necessarily think that the fans can write the characters better than the creators do, but you can see a lot of interesting topics brought up in fan fiction that could *never* be brought up in the original work (for whatever reason). I think fan fiction gets a sort of bad rap, but I'd say that anyone who reads tie-in novels shouldn't speak too ill of the medium--tie-in novels are basically fan fiction that's been copyrighted
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
I'm not sure if I understand how you hate them all because you were "duped" by one.

That's like saying you once picked up a harlequin romance novel and didn't like it so you never want to read another book again.
Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
depends on how it's written, how well they play out the character's personality, ect.

some fan fics can be pretty hot. but i havn't read any fanfics in a LONG time.
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
I read them all the time. It can be really hard to find the good ones, but I guess that makes them all the better when you do find them.
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
I love fanfic. I read and write a little. There is some pretty terrible stuff out there, spell check exists for a reason people.
Contributor: Noira Celestia Noira Celestia
I used to really love to read fan fics, I haven't in a while though. I agree whether or not it's good really depends on the author. I read some really good yaoi back in the day.
Contributor: Jaylene Jaylene
I don't really~ but, to each his own.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
I'd never heard of such things as "fanfics" before.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I do, but only if it's really well-written.

Right now my all time favorite is a Fang/Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII) fanfic titled Breath's Dance.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by El-Jaro
My gf and I have a running disagreement on fanfics. She likes to read them, I loathe them with the heat of 1000 suns after getting duped by one years ago.

What're your thoughts?
love FF
Contributor: chicken12 chicken12
I used to be really, really interested in Harry Potter fanfics and I was something of a writer in them, myself.

I've gotten bored of them as time wore on, though.
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
I feel like there's nothing wrong with fanfiction, and I see no reason to hate anything with the heat of a thousand suns. Nothing is worth hating that much! ( Too much effort in being mainstream angry if you ask me ;3 )
I used to read fanfiction a lot, but I don't really these days. Every now and then I'll look after some when I just want some smut (writing works better for me than pictures), but not often. Either way, to each his/her own!
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
I love fanfiction, but it has to be well written and have understandable character pairings.