Are you frugal with your money ?

Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
Personally I only spend money if something is on a really good sale or if I need it. maybe it comes from never having alot of money to spend but I shop with coupons. I shop at thrift stores and yard sales when I can, and i shop at the o99 cenbt store no shame here. Honestly even if I had millions to spend I would still shop at those same places. so what are your spending habits?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I spend wisely I think its a waste to throw money away on things i dont need
its just money if i want something I buy it
I shop at yard sales and thrift stores
yard sales and thrit stores really eww
I shop only/mostly name brand
name brands dont always mean better i will buy knock offs or store brands
99 cent stores here i come
99 cent stores cant offer the quailty I want/need
Some things I will splurge a little more on but I know how to spend money wisely
I use coupons whenever I can
I usually do not use coupons
Total votes: 114 (40 voters)
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Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I spend my money wisely most of the time. I always use coupons/double coupons, and buy most of my grocery items when they're on sale. I get gas at my local supermarket-owned gas stations with fuel point discounts. When it comes to clothes, I am willing to pay more and shop at higher end stores, because I prefer better quality than getting something at K-mart, Walmart, Target, etc.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
I go one item at a time. It's just money to me, but I still make sure I can pay for it and still be okay.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
I buy mostly on clearance and always look for the best price. I try very hard not to spend too much. Once and a while a spend a little more than usual, but I can resist most of the time.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
I feel like I can't buy something unless it's on sale, but I feel like that's a pretty smart thing to do. Sometimes I do go a little overboard and buy massive amounts of cheap things, but hey, it's not like I spent much money on it!

I went to Macy's the other day and almost died from excitement. I got the best fitting pair of jeans I've ever come across, two sweaters, and two jackets (over $250 worth of stuff) for a whopping $28.

I went back the next day to another store at the other mall we have and scored two more $50+ pairs of jeans for $17, and then two bras that would have cost me $100 for $20. Can't do much better than that!
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I am very frugal. I hate buying stuff when it's not on sale! No qualms with Goodwill/other thrift stores here, I just wash it and it's fine. Unfortunately coupons aren't very good for me because I buy a lot of fresh/organic food, and there aren't often coupons for that.
Contributor: Lizzy Lizzy
I have no problem spending money on items i want/need.I just don't waste it.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Even if I had a lot of money, I'd be frugal. Never hurts to save.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
I buy things on sale or with coupons. I tend to stalk things I want till there is a great sale or it gets bought -> returned -> marked down. Then I haggle for it!

This sweater was returned and you're selling it for X amount? I'll give you X-10 amount. It has deodorant marks and pilling.
Contributor: js250 js250
I am usually very budget minded. However, every once in a seriously great while I will build up a small slush fund and do something impulsive with it. Just out of thin air, go do or buy something without thinking about it first. That is rare, but fun. I coupon, hit the sales, yard sales, thrift stores, you name it--if I can save the cash, I will!!
Contributor: Trepier Trepier
Being a college student money isn't something I am abundant in, but there is one thing I do splurge on and The only other thing I will buy on the spot usually is books in a series. If a new book comes out I will buy it immediately.
Contributor: duff duff
Dont spend unless we have to. We do however rarely splurge
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I'm always watching my money.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
I have definitely been accused of being "cheap" before. I definitely try and spend money wisely, and while I'm comfortable splurging on some things, I try not to go too crazy.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I try to be smart with my money.
Contributor: ECU Pirate ECU Pirate
i love coupons! I'm okay with my money. I spend on things that make me happy and sometimes i cant resist. haha
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I'm extravagant with some stuff, and really stingy with others, so it all tends to balance out in the end.
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
I spend a lot of money, but I do try to wait till something goes on sale. I also almost always use coupons.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
I spend money wisely and always try to find coupons or sales or special discounts. However, there are certain things I splurge on!
Contributor: Peaches2000 Peaches2000
Originally posted by Secret Pleasure
Personally I only spend money if something is on a really good sale or if I need it. maybe it comes from never having alot of money to spend but I shop with coupons. I shop at thrift stores and yard sales when I can, and i shop at the o99 cenbt store ... more
I'm super thrifty and it has saved me multiple time! I've even found ways to make money with my bargin hunting!$$
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Secret Pleasure
Personally I only spend money if something is on a really good sale or if I need it. maybe it comes from never having alot of money to spend but I shop with coupons. I shop at thrift stores and yard sales when I can, and i shop at the o99 cenbt store ... more
As a CFP, I hear many similar answers posted here. When someone says they spend wisely, that response, may or may not, always hold true in all circumstances. Truthfully, a systematic process has to be established within your spending or saving habits. One example which I have found work for some is, if you see something you really want; do not buy the item on first impulse. Wait exactly two weeks. If your reason for wanting the product still meets your criteria, then proceed to make the purchase. Otherwise, do not make the purchase! On the savings side, determine ahead a certain % of your ‘net pay’ and ALWAYS place that amount of money in a savings account and, NEVER, withdrawal the money! It is all about self discipline; your willpower to not touch the money. Always establish this cash reserve which equals 3 months of your Gross pay; this will become your emergency fund.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I don't have a lot of money to spare so I spend it wisely.
Contributor: sunkissedJess sunkissedJess
I prioritize my money pretty well.
Contributor: All His All His
love coupons and love finding things on sale especially when i can add a coupon to the sale price.
Contributor: powerandintent powerandintent
I'm fairly good with money if I need to be, but normally I just buy whatever.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Secret Pleasure
Personally I only spend money if something is on a really good sale or if I need it. maybe it comes from never having alot of money to spend but I shop with coupons. I shop at thrift stores and yard sales when I can, and i shop at the o99 cenbt store ... more
I spend wisely, but some things must be name brand. I can't do yard sales and thrift stores after seeing all of the bed bug articles.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm careful with money, but I refuse to go over board with extreme frugality. My mother was the cheapest woman I have ever met, and I was raised in a household where nothing was bought when it was needed, and I often went without things I needed, even thought the money was there, so she could brag about "saving money."

I grew up very resentful of being dressed like a homeless person as a child and was terribly bullied because of it. Also, her need to buy the absolute cheapest of everything actually often ended up costing more money, as food was wasted being burned in cheap pots and pans, clothing wore out more quickly, things that were bought cheaply broke and needed to be replaced etc.

There is a happy medium between being a spendthrift and using "thriftiness" as a form of simple greed. My mother is a prime example of "Thrift as a thinly veiled form of greed." She has no appreciation for quality and then doesn't understand why her cooking never turns out (due to low quality cookware, worn out appliances, and low quality food ingredients,) why her belongings wear out or break faster than other people's why her clothing doesn't fit properly, why her body and face care items "don't work" when if she spent some money on quality she not only would get results and have longer lasting goods, but she would have less stressful life.

I'd rather spend the money and get something of quality that will last me years than "save money" have buy something that will break or wear out or never work at all.

I'm careful, but I don't worship money, so I do spend when I can, and try to get quality goods for things that are important.

So, no, I'm probably not all that thrifty, but in the end, I get better results than some people, and the things I save to buy end up lasting longer and working well.