Botox and Vaginismus?

Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
So, as some of you know. I suffer from Vaginismus, it's when you don't have control over the pelvic muscles and it makes sex IMPOSSIBLE. Mine seems to come and go, and I just had a moment where I couldn't have sex, I couldn't even get a q-tip inside. It passed thank God, but I'm over dealing with this. I've dealt with it for over 6 years.

vag·i·nis·mus is Painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina in response to physical contact or pressure (esp. in sexual intercourse). This can make sex painful, or impossible.

During a web search, I came a cross this doctor who has somewhat made a break through with vaginismus. His name is Dr. Pacik. He's a doctor in Manchester, NH. He has found that botox can cure vaginismus. It's a three day process, and they put botox into the vaginal muscles, where they are most spastic and do something called aggressive dilation. The botox only stays in your system for a few months. Its something you only have to do once in your life.

I contacted his office about getting it done, because its something I HAVE to get done. I've noticed my vaginismus getting worse and it could effect my life as a mother, meaning I won't be able to get pregnant let alone give birth. This treatment is best for people who have tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING has worked.

The whole procedure cost about 5,000 plus traveling, but the best part is he partnered up with the local hotel, so you get discounts and rides to and from the doctors office. When you contact them about the vaginismus procedure they also send you a copy of his book "When sex seems impossible" but it's a eBook copy. I already had his book before contacting him, and let me tell you it's AMAZING. You can order a hard copy from either their website, or


I first herd about him in 2010 but he was still in the testing area, and he has now been approved by the FDA!!!! So, I'm even more excited about getting it done. He's had a 90% success rate, and has treated 170 women from ALL OVER THE WORLD. He is the ONLY doctor who is doing this treatment.

You can visit his website here for more information:

He also has a YouTube page and his own forum...

My only problem is now saving up for the procedure.. lol
but I'm gonna have it done. It's my LAST hope to be completely free.

So, I'm posting this to share with the word, but to also see what YOU guys think about this?

Would you risk having botox shot into the muscles in the vagina?
Do you think it's too expensive?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I would try it.
Nora29714 , highflyballer , Peggi , Allison.Wilder , Waterlily , Bullfroggy and Rose , princessss , cryinglightning86 , Katelyn
I wouldn't try it
I do think it's expensive.
Nora29714 , highflyballer , Allison.Wilder , cryinglightning86 , CamelliaGirl
I don't think it's expensive
Peggi , Katelyn
ghalik , Waterlily , dv8
Total votes: 19 (12 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
So, as some of you know. I suffer from Vaginismus, it's when you don't have control over the pelvic muscles and it makes sex IMPOSSIBLE. Mine seems to come and go, and I just had a moment where I couldn't have sex, I couldn't even ... more
I have heard of this, when it was in the testing phase. Usually, once something gets FDA approval many doctor quickly learn the method.

If I were you, I would go to the nearest University Medical School Hospital or call and talk to someone in the GYN department or the Uro-GYN department.

See if someone closer does this procedure. The University Medical Centers get new procedures and drugs sooner, so that's your best bet.

It's almost unheard of for only ONE doctor to do a procedure, as good doctors want to share what they know so others can benefit from it. I'm guessing you may find someone closer to you, but I can't say for sure.

I'd also go to a Uni Medical Library and do your own research there. There are full published articles that usually are not available online. Usually you can get a free pass to use a Med Center Library if you ask.

It sounds promising, but I'd at least talk to your GYN or one at a Uni Hospital and see what they think of this research. I don't know enough about it myself to give an opinion.

You've done great research so far, a little more will only benefit you. If it looks legit, it could change your life.

Good luck, honey.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by P'Gell
I have heard of this, when it was in the testing phase. Usually, once something gets FDA approval many doctor quickly learn the method.

If I were you, I would go to the nearest University Medical School Hospital or call and talk to someone in ... more
What P'Gell said. See if you can find someone closer to you so you won't have to travel so far, and keep up with the research.

But I'm happy that you might have a solution! I've never heard of Vaginismus before, but I can't imagine having it if it's as bad as you describe. If there's something that can be done for you, I say GO FOR IT!
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
"and do something called aggressive dilation"

That sounds a lot like the what is currently used to treat vaginismus, progressive dilation.

I've done zero research on Dr. Pacik and I'm not a medical professional, however, the idea of introducing a neurotoxin (Botox) to my body horrifies me. I know every housewife on Bravo gets injections like it's nothing, but I wouldn't do it short of it being the only thing that could save my life.

Dr. Pacik's method may have medical merit — didn't they recently discover Botox cures migraines? — but I'm skeptical. The cost is really high, and it sounds like the cause(s) of the vaginismus, which can be psychological, physical or both go unaddressed with his treatment.

I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, but I would recommend a little more research before committing to this specific procedure.

Have you ever visited the I don't like that portions of the site require invites / passes / registration before you can view them, but I think it's a good start point for researching treatment.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Personally, I think that you should listen to P'Gell in looking for something closer, to save on travel costs at least! I agree, now that it has been approved it'll catch on quickly. I've never heard of botox to help with vaginismus but the science behind it totally makes sense!

It definitely sounds like something worth looking in to!

Now, for the type of procedure and length of the procedure that isn't expensive AT ALL especially considering the cost of Botox, which I do know from two experiences. I worked in a cosmetic practice (we used Dysport rather than Botox, though) and my mom, who uses it for her face/neck for something called spasmodic torticollis so basically it makes her muscles stop spasming in her face/neck.

So I see how the thought behind making this help you for your situation would work!
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
If I was going through what you're going through, I would try it. Hell, women get vaginoplasty done these days, why can't you shoot a little botox into your girly bits in hopes that it works out for you?

Good luck!
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
"and do something called aggressive dilation"

That sounds a lot like the what is currently used to treat vaginismus, progressive dilation.

I've done zero research on Dr. Pacik and I'm not a medical professional, ... more
Your right, it's called progressive dilation.
I've been looking into side effects in botox, but just like anything else, it can cause migraines in some but not others.

I have tried other method, but over the past six years none of them have worked. I'm in therapy, I've tried medications, and even psychical therapy. Nothing has worked, so this maybe my only hope. I know some people feel like it's only mental, but its more then that.

I have visited, I even own the books, but no luck.. I can't deal with this anymore. The difference about doing it with botox, your muscles can't fight back, allowing for successful dilation. I have moments when I can't get a q-tip in there let alone the smallest dilator.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
Your right, it's called progressive dilation.
I've been looking into side effects in botox, but just like anything else, it can cause migraines in some but not others.

I have tried other method, but over the past six years none of ... more
I'm so sorry, that must truly suck. I have mild vaginismus so pap smears are agony, inserting tampons is an epic struggle, and initial sexual penetration is uncomfortable even though I get TONS of foreplay... but I can still do those things. Your case is more severe. I know from experience that it's not a purely mental condition, but I do think psychological factors contribute. Does Dr. Pacik address them at all?

Also, if you don't mind my asking, what does your OB/GYN think about Dr. Pacik's method?
Contributor: Waterlily Waterlily
AW Miss Nessa... that sounds truly frustrating. Thanks for sharing your story and sharing information that might help the situation. I chose "other" in your poll because expense is relative, and to some it may not seem like a lot of money, especially if NOT getting the procedure is impairing your quality of life. I wonder if the government (or insurance, healthcare benefits from work, or ANYTHING!) can help cover the cost? Good luck, keep us posted with your decision and experience!
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
I was just going to ask if you had tried physical therapy, but I see you have. It sounds like you have tried it all. I don't doubt that one minute. You're on this site reviewing toys, and I know you're working hard to treat this yourself. I have read posts on other forums from woman struggling with this. Many don't want to put in the effort required to beat it. They don't want to dilate or do kegels. From what I know of you, that's not the case. So, your case may be severe enough to warrant alternative treatments.

I like P'Gell's suggestion to see if other doctors will perform this.

I have read a few testimonials from patients of Dr. Pacik. He seems to have a very high success rate. (Although sometimes the cynic in me thinks it's just good marketing.)

If it were me, and I had tried everything else, I would give this a shot. $5000 maybe a huge chunk of money, but it would be worth every penny if it works.

Also, Petite Valentine is correct that it's physical AND psychological. I think you are going to have to address both if you haven't already.

I'm rooting for you, honey.
Contributor: princessss princessss
I'm currently suffering from this as well. Has your doctor asked you to try kegals? thats what im doing but i dont think its really working much. but it has helped a little. I really wanna do the botox and dilators thing cause i've heard that is like the best thing you can due to cure it.