Do any of these pet peeves belong to you?

Contributor: K101 K101
Yep, I happened to have a negative moment today! Yes, me, the normally happy person. As far as I know, every family has one (or more?) member who's a little (or a lot?) crazy and tends to really get the other relatives fired up. My family has a couple. One was visiting and we had spent the night together after our Easter party. (It's my sibling! Shh! ha ha.) It just so happens that she tends to do those little things that just really get me fired up sometimes.

So by the time this evening came around, I was in much need of some relaxing time in the tanning bed. I crawled in and took a nap and felt much better, but before doing that, I was pretty dang frustrated after the 24 hours I'd had. I went over all these annoyances in my head and that got me wondering if I was the only person who had these pet peeves or if I was just the only person who had a relative who gets to me after so long! Lol.

So, feel free to share the things that fire you up the most. Are any of my pet peeves (listed in poll) some of your own too?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
When someone steals things from me.
When someone takes the last of something without telling me (EX: drink, smoke, cookie, etc.)
When someone rolls their eyes when I'm having a conversation with them.
When someone runs phone/internet bill up or takes all the download allowances without caring.
When someone doesn't pick up after themselves at my house.
When someone blares music at all hours of the night.
When someone borrows/uses something of yours without asking.
When someone is mean to your pets while visiting your home.
When someone smacks, crunches or chews with mouth open while eating.
Other (care to share your biggest pet peeves?)
Total votes: 633 (117 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: FantasyFanatic FantasyFanatic
When someone is over at my house, particularly in my bedroom, and they just start opening drawers and looking through them without asking. I hate inconsiderate people in general really.
Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
People who moan while eating! It drives me insane.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
My biggest pet peeves are:
1) People who scrape their fork on their teeth when eating. That sound is AWFUL!
2) People who sit in their cars with the light on in the parking lot of a business (like a grocery store). It makes it impossible to tell if they're about to back out or not!
3) People who say "wa-la!" instead of "voila!"
Contributor: catsin catsin
- People who talk so loud that you can hear it all the way down the hall
- People who make heckling noises instead of laughter
- People who express arrogance through their tone of voice ((arrogant people in general))
- Double standards or blatant hypocrisy

^ I'm living with someone who does all of these :|
Contributor: Raigne Raigne
Kind of goes with the using the last of something without telling me, but this one's highly specific. I hate it when someone uses up the toilet paper on the roll and doesn't replace it.
Contributor: ladychristie ladychristie
My biggest pet peeve is someone who doesn't pick up after themselves
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
I share several of those with you. I also don't like when someone invites me to hang out then when I'm talking they sit there and text on their phone and clearly aren't listening to me. I can play a game on my phone and listen to someone and engage in conversation but I cannot text (have a convo) and then actually have a verbal convo and really LISTEN to the person verbally speaking. It's SO rude. Can it not wait until I'm finished? Or can you atleast pretend like you are listening like giving a nod or a yeah or something atleast so I don't get pissed!?

I also hate when someone looks over my shoulder when I'm emailing someone, checking my email or my facebook and typing to someone. Can you back off please?
Contributor: underHim underHim
My biggest one on your list is probably when someone is mean to your pets while visiting your home. My pets are part of my family and if someone was ever mean to them they would be out of my house so fast their head would spin.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Crystal1
My biggest pet peeves are:
1) People who scrape their fork on their teeth when eating. That sound is AWFUL!
2) People who sit in their cars with the light on in the parking lot of a business (like a grocery store). It makes it impossible to ... more
ARGGGH!!! My husband doesn't scrape, he DRAGS the fork across his teeth and it just makes me homicidal. I just want to scream: "open your mouth damn it"! It's not that hard.

But, I also know that he doesn't realize he's doing it and so I try not to watch him eat and focus my attention on the tv so I don't catch the sound as often.

I know that I'm really sensitive to auditory stimulation. (I could hear my doctor cutting my skin, even though it was completely numb.) I have bionic ears.
Contributor: kittycatgirl kittycatgirl
I cannot STAND noisy eating. You know there is actually a "disorder", (if you want to call it that) called misophonia which is literally the hatred of sound. Seems like chewing/mouth noises top the list of hated noises! link
Contributor: Beck Beck
My hubby chews so loud. But it is not his fault. When he was in a car accident where he smashed into a telephone pole, he broke his neck. One of the things that happened to him from this is difficultly chewing and swallowing. However, it drives me insane. I just stare at him. It is so loud.

I can't stand people who are mean to my pets when they come to their home. There are a few people who make it clear they don't like cats, well then don't come to my house. We are a crazy cat family. We have 5 cats, so you should not come over if you don't like them. And then when they do they blow on them and push them away or expect me to lock them in a room. This is their home, I am not doing that.

I have many pet peeves. It would be hard for me to name them all.
Contributor: In Between Soliloquies In Between Soliloquies
I don't like when people persisently try to force their opinions on me or insult the way I do things in my home, and I especially don't like when they get all mad when I point out that they're doing it!
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I think we all have a few things from time to time. I know I do.
Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
Originally posted by K101
Yep, I happened to have a negative moment today! Yes, me, the normally happy person. As far as I know, every family has one (or more?) member who's a little (or a lot?) crazy and tends to really get the other relatives fired up. My family has a ... more
I hate people who smoke. Also don't like people who talk or eat while driving because they never are paying attention to whats going on with the road.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
one thing that gets me going is when my husband chews on his...fingers :/ well he's trying to chew his nails but he doesn't have enough to chew! and the noises get me going so bad, and it SEEMS to get worse when im on my monthly -.-
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ansley
ARGGGH!!! My husband doesn't scrape, he DRAGS the fork across his teeth and it just makes me homicidal. I just want to scream: "open your mouth damn it"! It's not that hard.

But, I also know that he doesn't realize ... more
AUGH! My husband does the same thing. I hate tooth noises, anything from fork scraping to tooth brushing. I want to grab his face when he's eating and scraping and scream, "You have LIPS, use them!"

I'm really sensitive to noise, too. My husband also decides to give a monologue when I'm enjoying something on television. I was watching something last night, and he started telling me something (which he had TOLD me before) about someone he works with, whom I don't know and don't really care about. I tried to be polite, by turning away from him (it works with dogs) and even turning up the TV a little (he knows not to interrupt House or Big Bang Theory!) but he kept going. I finally had to say something. Two minutes later he was at it again. I checked and, yep, he's been drinking wine. Why does that stuff make people think what they have already told you 20 times is so important?

G*d help me if I make a noise during a foot ball game... or a base ball game... or a basket ball game... and on Easter he was even watching... golf! WTF? Why does it have to be silent for him to watch sports, most of which (with the exception of golf) are SO loud I want to scream but he chatters away during something with a plot and actual dialogue that I've been waiting all week to see?

OK. Rant over.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
some one uses all the tp paper and doesn't replace it
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
AUGH! My husband does the same thing. I hate tooth noises, anything from fork scraping to tooth brushing. I want to grab his face when he's eating and scraping and scream, "You have LIPS, use them!"

I'm really sensitive to ... more
Hahahahaha Oh boy do I know how you feel!!!

I have three shows I always, always want to listen to in completion and he wants to talk about work. I usually lose that battle and have to wait for the episode to come on again in the middle of the night.
Contributor: Kithara Kithara
I can't stand it when I put something down, and someone else in my house moves it. I put it there, I know where it was. Now, because you were trying to be helpful/"cleaning", I can't find it. GRRRR.
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
Originally posted by P'Gell
AUGH! My husband does the same thing. I hate tooth noises, anything from fork scraping to tooth brushing. I want to grab his face when he's eating and scraping and scream, "You have LIPS, use them!"

I'm really sensitive to ... more
HA, before he got his CPAP, my hubby used to grind his teeth in his sleep, and I thought I'd go INSANE!

AAAAAAAND he is constantly interrupting my shows I have to wait a whole week to watch!!! To tell me what? That his buddy he works with is going to blah blah blah, and you wouldn't believe what so-and-so did! (I swear they can gossip worse than women!) But let me ask one question about the football game, and it's a problem! LOL

In addition to those things, I have a problem with people coming in my home and trying to run the place. Like, trying to be more dominant than me in my own home. That really rubs me the wrong way.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
A few of these, though I do think someone stealing from me is beyond a peeve is that bothers me, I think that would bother anyone.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
We both have a tendency to start a conversation JUST when our headphones go in our ears, or we look down at a book. Drives us both crazy. lol

I hate it when people mispronounce words (I'm a little more forgiving for spelling). But when people say "warsh" instead of "wash" or "mayzerr" instead of "measure" It's about all I can do to not scream balistically.

My kids tattle telling. The whining sound that they make when they ask for something. (we've been spending a lot of time, lately, ignoring them when they don't articulate in an even voice)

I'm sure there are more.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I share all your pet peeves Kendra, with the exception of the phone/internet as I have unlimited phone and downloads (for that exact reason, though).

I can't stand being lied to too! and any kind of disrespect, whether its someone disrespecting me or a stranger. I just hate that.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
My biggest pet peeve of all time is someone lying to me.
Contributor: dhig dhig
definitely stealing and eye rolling >_<
Contributor: Azule Azule
I agree, stealing seems beyond a pet peeve and seems somewhat criminal depending on the circumstance. Mostly it's the inconsiderate actions listed here and I'd add certain condescending phrases people use to justify their beliefs grate on me as well.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I have a few of these pet peeves, the most drastic to me is being mean to my dog.
I hate when someone comes over and is mean my dog. I have a small breed pom, so she is a lap dog, and that is exactly where she wants to be... on anyone lap who will let her. I don't mind if you gently put her back down when she jumps into your lap, but if you push her down? ARLKHADSLFJAHS!!!! Do I get mad!
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
When people don't say please and thank you!!!!!
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
I feel horrible! I checked them all! I got into a fight when someone hit our dog. It was years ago and it was a kid around my age at the time (14 or so). He had it coming to him to.