Do you dislike it when people use gay as a word for lame?

Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
Originally posted by Peggi
I also am like Mwar, and I am bisexual so it's definitely not in disrespect, but I agree people are just too sensitive I feel. I mean I am half gay, right? lol well either way I do fit into that category, so if a woman who fits in that spectrum ... more
I'm a bisexual woman as well, but I do find it offensive when people use the word gay in a derogatory way around me and I usually let them know. I understand that you have your own opinion on the issue, and that's fine, but it's not cool to say that because you're not insulted by it nobody else can be. Just because you are a member of the LGBTQ community doesn't mean you get to speak for all of us.
Contributor: Rey Rey
I certainly do find it offensive. I have no idea where the saying originated, but it's very un-PC
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
Originally posted by Boyqueen
Gay = Homophobic
Lame = Ableist.
This. So much this on both counts.
Contributor: SubmissiveFeminist SubmissiveFeminist
I'm gay and I do it all the time. It does not offend me, and I don't see why it would offend anyone who is comfortable with their sexuality.
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
I don't really like it, but as a gay individual I don't really care.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
Haha, I am gay but as a super femme gal I guess people don't see it. I was walking around in the supermarket and talking on the phone to my friend. I was saying "that outfit is super gay". About our mutual friend's stereotypical outfit for a "burning event."

This girl walking hand in hand with her boyfriend turned around and went off on me about the usuage of the word "gay."

I couldn't stop laughing.