I do a plasma donation twice a week. Pays out $50 total if I go both times. Not too bad, when you consider a cool $200 extra each month! Does anyone here donate?
Do you donate plasma?
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I would, but they don't let me because of certain countries I have traveled to.
I hate needles.
No, but my twin sister has done it a lot! I thought about it, but my sis said you have to be a certain weight (110 lbs? I think?) and I'm pretty below that so I discarded the idea.
Originally posted by
I do a plasma donation twice a week. Pays out $50 total if I go both times. Not too bad, when you consider a cool $200 extra each month! Does anyone here donate?
I'd consider it, but I don't meet the weight requirement (I've never donated blood for this reason).
My guy has done quite a lot.
me and my guy used to go, now that we are both working we no longer have the time..
I tried, but they won't let me till I check with my heart doctor (who I haven't seen since grade school) because I was born with a heart condition. I just gave up on it.
I tried, but my veins are too small so the blood started seeping into my tissues when they started pumping it back in. They couldn't get it back in through the other arm, either. That was around Christmas and I'm still sore!
Nope I hate needles.
I've donated blood (no payments involved) for more than 30 years. But my donations are whole blood or double-red. You have to wait 8 weeks between whole blood and 16 weeks between double-red donations.
I'm sure many have benefited from your plasma donations and I thank you for that - but I prefer to go the donation route.
I'm sure many have benefited from your plasma donations and I thank you for that - but I prefer to go the donation route.
I thought about it, but there's not one close enough to make it worth while.
Originally posted by
I do a plasma donation twice a week. Pays out $50 total if I go both times. Not too bad, when you consider a cool $200 extra each month! Does anyone here donate?
Being eligible to donate plasma is slightly different than donating blood. You have to weigh at least 110 lbs (which for years, I didn't) you can't have active allergy symptoms, (which I have nearly all the time) or autoimmune diseases, or even a cold, flu or other infections. Also, people who have active herpes of any kind, (including cold sores. Don't fool yourself, HSV is HSV, the "number" doesn't matter) or if you are taking antibiotics or many other drugs. Also, many people with heart and kidney conditions are not allowed to donate.
Also, my being anemic prevents me from giving blood or blood products. If I could give blood products, I would probably give whole blood.
I work blood drives instead of donating. At least I'm helping. And I always do it as a volunteer.
Also, my being anemic prevents me from giving blood or blood products. If I could give blood products, I would probably give whole blood.
I work blood drives instead of donating. At least I'm helping. And I always do it as a volunteer.
Ouch. This happens to some people. Some simply aren't good candidates for giving blood or blood products. I hope your pain goes away soon.
Originally posted by
I tried, but my veins are too small so the blood started seeping into my tissues when they started pumping it back in. They couldn't get it back in through the other arm, either. That was around Christmas and I'm still sore!
Donations of money or time are always appreciated, and with the storms in the mid South, blood and blood products are going to be needed badly.
I would love to, however there is no close donation center. The nearest place to donate blood or plasma is 100 miles one way.
I used to, but haven't in a while.
my gf told me not to because she felt sick and tired after doing it but I have looked into it.
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