Do you snore?

Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
i don't believe i do but i was told i some times do.
Contributor: calliope calliope
only when I was pregnant. Pregnancy is so unattractive. Well it was for me anyway
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I'm not sure if I do or not. But I don't think I do at all.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Stinkytofu10
I'd like to believe I don't. Recently my girlfriend would wake me up during the night, and tell me to change positions. She later told me I snore when I sleep in certain positions. This is really news to me. Do you snore?
I don't snore although my Master does sometimes.
Contributor: Azule Azule
I don't snore unless I'm very sick or my allergies are acting up far beyond normal.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
I do sometimes when I'm sick or congested.