Do you think weed should be legal?

Contributor: Mr. John Mr. John
Originally posted by LoveX
Do you think weed should be legalized across the US, or should it be illegal everywhere?
No! I'm trying to outlaw and ban them from my lawn as we speak.
Contributor: babyrock babyrock
soft drugs should all be legal. when we make something illegal, unlawful characters fill in to supply the demand and people suffer
Contributor: Princess Zelda Princess Zelda
I don't care as long as no one tries to force it on me or over and over again tell me I should.
Contributor: friendswithfangs friendswithfangs
I struggle against my conservative raisings and drugs and alcohol still make me uncomfortable (each to different extents), but weed AT LEAST should definitely be legal. Any step in the direction opposing the U.S.'s ridiculous war on drugs is a step in the right direction. It's racist, and has racist roots, and isn't good for the economy either.