Do you use FABRIC SOFTENER on your towels?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
About a year ago I read that you should "never add fabric softer to your towels in the wash, since it is a water REPELLENT and makes the towels SOFT, but far less absorbent. I still add it once in a while, and cannot decide if I like them SOFTER and FLUFFIER or more ABSORBENT. I am about to have a house full of guests from all around the world, for a wedding and trying to I use fabric softener or not? Thus, the EF "Family" gets to MOST of you like your towels more SOFT or more ABSORBENT????
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
More Soft
JessCee , Kayla , ToyGurl , Darling Jen , ZenaidaMacroura , Jul!a , sexyintexas , Pink Jewel , Sunshineamine , Beck , cheetahpita , Ms. Spice , pinkcupcakes , alliegator , Wildchild , Miss Anonymous , married with children , BabyL0ve , darthkitt3n , SaMiKaY , Peggi
More Absorbant
sarki , AngelvMaynard , froggiemoma , P'Gell , FaerieLove , dazzlingdeviant , Ryuson , GenderSexplorations , Rossie , PussyPurr , EJ , GravyCakes , Howells , dv8
I didn't know about this issue with towels
slynch , Ryuson , padmeamidala , ZenaidaMacroura , Jul!a , sexyintexas , Jon S , Valentinka , BellaDonna2884 , Starkiller87 , kinky girlfriend , ellejay , alliegator , KnK , Miss Anonymous , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Menarae , darthkitt3n , mistressg
P'Gell , Rossie , Tori Rebel , El-Jaro
Total votes: 58 (49 voters)
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Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I would take a softer towel any day of the week. And I'd certainly take a towel that smelled really nice over a towel that had no scent.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I don't use fabric softener in my towels because I know it repels water and causes the towels and wash cloths to be less absorbent.

I do put some white vinegar into the fabric softener compartment of my top loader wash machine, as it will help soften the towel without compromising absorption.

Unless I am bleaching the towels and washcloths, then I don't use the vinegar, either, because it's an acid and bleach is a base and they DO NOT mix. I have a "bleach load" in my top loader as we speak, and the only thing that went into the machine was white towels, about 40 washcloths (we use a LOT of washcloths) some white socks. The bleach and the detergent go in their little compartments in the drawer of the top loader.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
I never use fabric softener on my towels when I was them. More absorbant all the way, less towels being used
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Fabric softener to me doesn't really change the absorbancy at all. Not only does it make the towels softer, but it makes them smell really nice. Believe it or not, laundry has a smell - especially to people who aren't YOU (living in your home on a regular basis). I don't always use softener, but I always soften my towels, especially when guests are in town.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I'd go with more absorbent, personally!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I don't use them for my kitchen towels and rags, but I do use dryer sheets for my bath towels. Never really had an issue and I love the way it smells.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
My mom has a HUGE pet peeve of me occasionally using fabric softener with my towels. I know it lessens the absorbency but having a hard, stiff, scratchy towel ain't gonna dry me well either because I won't let it touch my body. Just ow. So I only do it on occasions and in small amounts. But if I foresee my mother throwing a fit about it, I'll just use a dryer sheet instead.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
I can't stand the feeling of being wet for very long after a shower. So I'd go with more absorbent any day. Besides, if you crumple them up and shake them out they're soft enough.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Oh and here's a fun fact about liquid fabric softener---it should not be used on children's clothing because it builds up on the fabric and negates the flame retardant properties.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I didn't know any of that about the fabric softener and the towels. I guess you learn something new every day lol.

I like when a towel smells like fresh laundry, and I always toss a dryer sheet into the dryer to try and add a nice scent. As for in the wash, we've actually been too cheap to buy more fabric softener to add to the wash for months, but some of the towels still don't seem to be the greatest absorbers. Mostly the dish towels it seems like.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I hang my clothes out to dry including towels so I use a liquid softener in the wash by my towels end up a little firmer with decent absorbency. I still use fabric softener in my wash if I am using my dryer because I prefer not to dry with sand paper.
Contributor: Jon S Jon S
we do not use fabric softner on anything
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I only use fabric softener sheets in the drying process, it's not as soft as the liquid kind, but it doesn't affect the absorbency.
Contributor: PussyPurr PussyPurr
No fabric softener on the towels here either, I learned about the water-repelling properties of softener when I was cloth-diapering my daughter. I use several of those dryer balls, they fluff the towels up nicely and cut dryer time (saving energy!).
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Darling Jen
My mom has a HUGE pet peeve of me occasionally using fabric softener with my towels. I know it lessens the absorbency but having a hard, stiff, scratchy towel ain't gonna dry me well either because I won't let it touch my body. Just ow. So I ... more
Dryer sheets are actually just as bad at reducing absorbency. Try putting some vinegar in the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine, or in your Downy Ball or add a quarter cup or so when you would add fabric softener. It works really really well. I do it all the time.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ansley
Oh and here's a fun fact about liquid fabric softener---it should not be used on children's clothing because it builds up on the fabric and negates the flame retardant properties.
Yeah, I know. I try to keep my babies away from open flame.

Actually, when our youngest one was born, and we actually had $$$ to spend on things we wanted, (she's almost 12) we bought most of her clothes in cotton. Most natural fabrics, cotton, silk and especially wool are naturally flame retardant. Our babies also only wore cotton diapers. I love the HUGE diaper butt look on a baby.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by P'Gell
Dryer sheets are actually just as bad at reducing absorbency. Try putting some vinegar in the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine, or in your Downy Ball or add a quarter cup or so when you would add fabric softener. It works really ... more
Does it smell as bad as it sounds? I can't stand vinegar, especially the strong white vinegar. Is there another option?

And I have heard about how dryer sheets are horrible for your dryers because they leave residue and build-up in the machine. So it's like there's no right way. It's not fair! I just want my towels to smell good and feel soft!
Contributor: BellaDonna2884 BellaDonna2884
I add softener but I also don't notice a difference.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I honestly don't know. I use a laundry service and although I provide them with my hypo-allergenic detergent, I'm not sure if they use anything else.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I just throw them in with regular laundry soap. I don't separate anything. I throw whites in with colors, and towels in as well. Ive never had an issue with my laundry.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
I never even noticed... oops? I've always used dyer sheets with everything.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Does it smell as bad as it sounds? I can't stand vinegar, especially the strong white vinegar. Is there another option?

And I have heard about how dryer sheets are horrible for your dryers because they leave residue and build-up in the ... more
You only use about 1/4 cup or so at the beginning of the rinse cycle. Or put it in the laundry softener dispenser or use a Downy Ball, they hold less than a 1/4 cup. My towels don't ever smell like vinegar. I know, I hate when people clean their entire houses with vinegar (I mean, it is up to them, it isn't MY house) because of the smell. I have a friend with chemical sensitivity and it always smells like she's cooking sour kraut in her house, because all she cleans with is vinegar and baking soda.

But, try a quarter cup at the beginning of the rinse and do two rinses and I can pretty much guarantee there will be no vinegar smell.

You can tell if you have used too many drying sheets; take the lint screen from your dryer and put it in the sink and try to run water through it. If the water beads up, takes a long time to run through or doesn't run through at all, it's clogged with oil from the sheets. I honestly only keep dryer sheets around for the rare occasion that I'm out of liquid softener for my regular laundry. But, some people like them. You can clean the dryer screen with laundry detergent and a scrub brush.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I just thought of a great blog; House Wifey Tips from P'Gell. I could wear one of those French Maid outfits or one of my old grandma's housecoats for the glamor shot.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
soft is nice, but a towel that isn't absorbent is pretty useless.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I didn't know that fabric softener makes towels less absorbent, but don't really care. I love my laundry soft and with that great Downy smell
Contributor: Wildchild Wildchild
Originally posted by Bignuf
About a year ago I read that you should "never add fabric softer to your towels in the wash, since it is a water REPELLENT and makes the towels SOFT, but far less absorbent. I still add it once in a while, and cannot decide if I like them SOFTER ... more
I like a soft towel, As long as it smells clean, I don't care.
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by Bignuf
About a year ago I read that you should "never add fabric softer to your towels in the wash, since it is a water REPELLENT and makes the towels SOFT, but far less absorbent. I still add it once in a while, and cannot decide if I like them SOFTER ... more
Hmmmm, I've never noticed this problem before.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I've never had a problem with this before. I normally just toss a dryer sheet when drying my cloth but I don't use the FS that you have to put in the washer.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
I can't stand fabric softener. I shy away from unnecessary chemicals whenever possible.