How to explain the influx of packages?

Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I was wondering how I can explain the recent influx of packages I am receiving to my housemates. I had a relatively good excuse the month of December (Christmas) and November (birthday), but now with the holidays over I am going to have to think of some other excuses. Right now, I am going to tell them they are late gifts I am receiving. In a month or so they are going to be suspicous and start asking questions.

they see me struggle with bills as it is, they are going to get curious. One day they might get a little too nosy for their own damn good. Lately I have been telling them I am receiving DVDs (like Reno 911, Comedy DVDs) and Books (like Storm Riders).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Right now, I do not wish to explain what I am doing to them, it is none of their business.
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Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I think the DVD and book idea is pretty good.

Sadly I have no advice since everytime I get a new toy I rant about it to my friends and sometimes have my friends over and open my toy box to spread a little sextoy-wisdom, lol.
Contributor: EffinSara EffinSara
My housemates know what's in the packages! One of them is my boyfriend, another occasionally takes an interest in what I got, and the other doesn't say much on the subject aside from "Wow, you get a lot of packages."
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I wouldn't tell them anything either...unless they ask. Then you can give them TMI and they'll never ask again

Mine don't want to know...they don't really ask either
Contributor: deceased deceased
"its work related".
(I take a lot of courses)
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I don't really see why you should have to explain the packages. I find it odd that you have to come up with an excuse for getting packages. You must have busybodies for housemates. Like you said, it's none of their business. I know it's hard to have privacy when you live with others, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. If a polite, "It's just stuff" or whatever only leads to more questions, then tell them it's none of their business. If they get pissy or whatever, ignore them. I mean, what the hell ever happened to boundaries? Mind your own business, people. OK, I'm getting ranty so I'll stop here. lol
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by gone77
I don't really see why you should have to explain the packages. I find it odd that you have to come up with an excuse for getting packages. You must have busybodies for housemates. Like you said, it's none of their business. I know it's ... more
HAHA!!! I agree with that!

I do not understand why you'd need to explain. You could just tell the truth, without the sex toy part. "I became a reviewer for a company."
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Personally, I'm a smart-ass, so if they kept bothering me, I'd probably open the package in front of them, go "This is a sex toy. I'm going to stick it up my butt then tell the internet how well it went. Do you want to touch it, or are you going to leave me alone about the packages?" But that's just me. If they were my roommates, it'd get them off my case too. I might get a couple jokes when other packages came in, but they'd accept it as something that's going to keep happening.

It's not like sex toys are uber weird anymore. Aside from some BDSM things, most sex toys are pretty accepted.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Kayla
Personally, I'm a smart-ass, so if they kept bothering me, I'd probably open the package in front of them, go "This is a sex toy. I'm going to stick it up my butt then tell the internet how well it went. Do you want to touch it, or ... more
I love this suggestion! Especially the "Do you wanna touch it??" Hahaha!
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Originally posted by Kayla
Personally, I'm a smart-ass, so if they kept bothering me, I'd probably open the package in front of them, go "This is a sex toy. I'm going to stick it up my butt then tell the internet how well it went. Do you want to touch it, or ... more
ROFL! I love this!
I'd probably start off with Sir's approach ("I became a reviewer for a company") and then if they didn't back off would be inclined to swing towards Mistress Kay's. I mean really, you're an adult, you aren't doing anything wrong, and it's an honor to be part of the EdenFantasys team, so why should you have to hide it?
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I was wondering how I can explain the recent influx of packages I am receiving to my housemates. I had a relatively good excuse the month of December (Christmas) and November (birthday), but now with the holidays over I am going to have to think of ... more
Tell the truth.

Get a PO box.

Tell partial truth - say you signed up for a consumer feedback programme.

Just flat out ignore the questions, if any. No need to offer an explanation most of the time. Just raise an eyebrow and, give a "duh!" look and say "It's my mail" if you really need to.

Counter any queries with questions about other things (divert). Reply to "what's in those boxes" with "may I see the contents of *your* mail?" or "hey can I read your email?"

If you're ever called out on "why won't you just answer my questions" you can then say "well, since you asked, its because its really none of your business"

Overall, I suggest telling the truth or getting a PO box. After all, you presumably wish to have a decent relationship with your roomies, so being "MYOB" about it might be a bit dickish. Good luck!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by Kayla
Personally, I'm a smart-ass, so if they kept bothering me, I'd probably open the package in front of them, go "This is a sex toy. I'm going to stick it up my butt then tell the internet how well it went. Do you want to touch it, or ... more
Ha! You went where I wanted to go but figured that Viktor didn't want to go there. If they were my housemates, I would totally do that.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by Red
Tell the truth.

Get a PO box.

Tell partial truth - say you signed up for a consumer feedback programme.

Just flat out ignore the questions, if any. No need to offer an explanation most of the time. Just raise an eyebrow and, ... more
VERY good advice, Red. Me likey.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
My roomie last year got confused about all the packages I was getting, but she never asked about them, just raised an eyebrow to herself whenever I brought in another box. I shared the contents of my packages with my new roomie this year though, and it's fun because I get to have a testing buddy... In terms of "How loud is this? Can you hear it from across the room?" She loves seeing the new stuff too, so it's a win-win situation.

What's funny though, is the people at the front desk for my residence hall occasionally comment on all the packages I get. "People keep sending you stuff, huh?"

My advice to you, Viktor, is to not worry about your housemates or what they think. As long as you're not disturbing their peace by testing products in plain sight (assuming that that's not their thing), what's in those packages is your business. You can tell them the truth if you think they can handle it maturely, but if they're just going to give you crap about it, do what everyone else suggested. It's your mail. Your business.
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
So much good advice in this thread, you all are very helpful and I really appreciate it

Lets just give a hypothetical and say that the housemates are my parents? I know it is sad that a 21 year old is still living at home, but the job market is tough and I am still looking for a new job and home. Not much of a hypothetical anymore.

I think I might go with Reds "partial truth" route.

you all have been very helpful, and I thank each and everyone of you!

PS: Forgive my misspellings, it is New Years eve.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
So much good advice in this thread, you all are very helpful and I really appreciate it

Lets just give a hypothetical and say that the housemates are my parents? I know it is sad that a 21 year old is still living at home, but the job market ... more
AH. Parents kind of change things, at least from my perspective. I stay with my parents over the holidays and summer vacation, so having anything sent to my parents' place while I'm there is totally out of the question! I actually have my packages sent to my boyfriend's place while I'm home with the 'rents, to avoid any suspicion. My parents aren't exactly on the "sexual enlightenment" train, and my father thinks that sex toys can give you STDs!

It really does depend on the relationship you have with your parents. If it's a more open relationship, just tell them as much or as little as you want. If they're the nosy sort who would give you all sorts of trouble if they knew about what's in the packages, and you don't want to tell them to mind their own business (my parents never enjoy hearing this phrase from me, no matter how old I am, and they support me financially at the moment, so I have to watch what I say), you should either get a P.O. Box, like Red suggested, or see if a friend (or partner) is ok with your packages going to their place instead of yours.

Good luck!
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
So much good advice in this thread, you all are very helpful and I really appreciate it

Lets just give a hypothetical and say that the housemates are my parents? I know it is sad that a 21 year old is still living at home, but the job market ... more
Sir kind of suggested it first

Yes, either partial truth (and hopefully they're willing to just accept what you say and not ask any more Q's) or get a PO box.

I know how it is. I just finished a stint of living with my folks, and they were desperate to know what all the packages were. Sadly, sometimes things would come with the old "massager" disclaimer on the shipping slip, be aware!

You should get a PO box. They're *not* that much, really, and there are deals this time of year.
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
So much good advice in this thread, you all are very helpful and I really appreciate it

Lets just give a hypothetical and say that the housemates are my parents? I know it is sad that a 21 year old is still living at home, but the job market ... more
I love this...

I remember the day that I was traveling home. It was an early flight and my boyfriend at the time was driving me. I spent the night at his house. My mom just kept asking question after question after question getting more and more confused until she asked where I spent the night and I very calmly said at his house. She was done asking questions at that point in time!

I suggest answer each question one at a time. "Well, I'm not sure I remember what this one is... I think it might be a NJOY." "Well, it might be a tantus or a ring." "Actually, it's a toy for adults." "Mom, you really don't want to know any more, but it's ok"

Keep it up until you get exasperated and give her just a bit too much detail. End of story.