Ouch, that hurt...sex injuries

Contributor: deceased deceased
Originally posted by Lady Evyl
OMG poor you. He must have felt bad after too.
He used to get narcolepsy attacks in nursing school. I used to throw things at his head to wake him up. I wound up in the dean's office.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
Originally posted by removedacnt
It was when we were younger. We were on my oldest daughter's twin bed while she was at grandmas. We were going hot and heavy, then all of a sudden, the whole damm bed just broke. The mattress, box springs, and the both of us ended up on the ... more
Hahaha! I just caught this. That is too funny. Thanks for sharing.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
We've had several over the years, but the worst was when I punctured a waterbed with stiletto heels (no, I wasn't standing on it). I then managed to fall on my arse (taking Alan with me) on the wood floor getting out of it because there was ... more
OH geez! Painful, yes, but also funny! I can't believe I never thought of all the damage someone could do on one of those water beds. Haha, now I have fun thoughts to entertain me. Thank you for this.
Contributor: Felinity Felinity
Eh, deep tissue bruising from grips and bites, various pulled muscles...

Best of all, though, was when my beau and I were going at it on his old, ratty, rickety couch. My knee went down IN the couch back which made the angling so good that I completely missed the fact that the side of my knee was rubbing alllll over this support board in the back. I noticed it hurt a little once we'd finished but I was still so high on the endorphins I didn't pay it much mind. The next day, I tended to a rather deep carpet burn looking wound that was a couple of inches long and about an inch wide. It smarted for quite a while and left me with a light scar but I'm a masochist so it all worked out. LOL The hardest part was explaining it to my folks, who were the first to ask about it.

'Uh, well, James and I were moving his couch and uh it slipped out of my grip and scraped the shit out of my leg on its way down...?'
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I'm extremely clumsy, so, I've had a maaaany mishaps.

I got electrocuted once... I had made my then-girlfriend squirt (aka gush), without meaning to, all over my laptop. Wasn't bad, thankfully, but, still kind of sucked.

Falling off of beds is typical for me, bonus if I hit my head on the nightstand. (This, in fact, used to be a game between me and an ex.)

I think the oddest thing, I think, would have to be when the balcony in which my partner and I were humping broke and fell off and we both went flying. It was only one story up, so, no incredibly major injuries; I only had a broken arm and leg and some bruising and he had a couple of broken ribs and more bruises. Imagine how awkward that was, landing in your downstairs neighbor's patio butt-naked. Eep.
Contributor: Lady Evyl Lady Evyl
Originally posted by Annemarie
I'm extremely clumsy, so, I've had a maaaany mishaps.

I got electrocuted once... I had made my then-girlfriend squirt (aka gush), without meaning to, all over my laptop. Wasn't bad, thankfully, but, still kind of sucked. ... more
Gees...Annemarie you win hands down!
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
We've just had some pulled muscles, some charlie horses and some experiences where I've been stuck in a position afterwards and have to gradually be eased out of it lol...I like doing yoga and pilates now...helps to avoid that last one at least!
Contributor: Dame Saphir Dame Saphir
Nothing too huge...I kneed my man in the chin last night actually, but other than that? I've just gotten some wicked bad rug burns on my knees and on my spine. A couple on my back still show as scared light spots of skin.

I've also had some bad cases of hickeys on my neck...Mostly in high school. So bad that they went almost all the way around my neck and made my neck sore. The worst time, my teacher saw asked me if my boyfriend was abusing me. Then when I clarified, she promptly handed me a tube of toothpaste to put on them.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Weve never been injured, soar yes.

However I have cut myself with a razor.

My and my husband came home from a nice dinner. We started at the door and by time we got to the bathroom we were alsmost naked. I was wanting it a little rough. So, it hurt alot I looked down and saw a little blood as he was going in and out. I figured it was just my period. Well come to find out when he set me down on the far edge of the tub(witch I liked its not that he was only thinking of him he didnt do it on purpose). I keep looking down and its bleedling alot. I new thats more then the second day of my period. Come to find out I was sittin on my razor that I used to shave earlier that morning with. My ass had a whole bunch of little cuts.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I fell off the side of the bed once. That was pretty funny. Ego injury more than physical!
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I flew off the bed once during a wild sexcapade and face planted a desk. Ripped the skin off my nose way up to my forehead. It fawkin hurt!
Contributor: Taylor Violet LXIX Taylor Violet LXIX
I've accidentally bruised a boy with my large, kneehigh goth boots.

I've gotten hit in the face with a cockring/vibe

I've been bitten so hard that it left a mark on me. As dark as I am.

And one boy actually pulled a muscle in his tongue. haha
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I've had leg cramps, some serious bruises from spankings, but the worst was when I was having anal sex with a partner who was quite endowed, and although he was being gentle, it did something to my tailbone or a nerve. I couldn't sit comfortably for weeks and had to go to my Dr. to get drugs for the discomfort. When he asked me how I hurt it, I said I slipped on the tile floor while it was wet and landed on my tailbone. I'm not sure what his expression would have been to the truth.
Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone) VeganChick (is Gone)
My partner and I had sex on the floor and he got these huge rug burns on his knees. They turned into these big scabs, and they are still healing. This was SEVERAL weeks ago.

Sometimes I pull a muscle if my legs are in a weird position, but I don't think anything other than that.