Pot. Do you? Have you? Would you? Anonymous poll

Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
What's your relationship with marijuana? Do you smoke it? Have you? Would you? If so or if not, why?

This is an anonymous poll, so you're name won't be displayed, so please be honest! And feel free to comment, too!
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I smoke often.
I smoke every once in a while.
I have smoked in the past, but don't anymore.
I have never smoked, but I would.
I have never smoked and do not want to.
This a stupid question.
Total votes: 380 (339 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Sir Sir
When I was younger, I was what you would call a "pot head." Yes, I smoked nightly, daily, while home and out places. That stopped quite a few years ago, when my partner got fed up with it and told me that she'd leave me if I didn't stop getting stoned.

I do not smoke anymore, but I would smoke occasionally if I was able. The people these days lace all of the marijuana with cocaine and other heavy drugs, so it isn't pure anymore. If I had a child who wanted to try it, I would have to have it with them - I would not allow them to try it on their own, because I don't feel that it's safe.

But regardless, I have, and would in the future if the occasion arose. Generally speaking, though, it's not something that I do frequently anymore or even at all really. Those days are far long gone.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
I did. I would if I could. And I like it.

My parents were the kind that filled my head with the whole are drugs are the same you'll kill yourself nonsense. But I felt I should have my own opinion on life. I tried it I liked it. I was in complete control other then having major munchies and giggle fits and It never hurt me at all.

I would still do it now if It weren't for the fact that everyone around here laces it(much like sir mentioned) and that I have a job I like and don't want to get fired because they don't like it. So yeah.

I have. I would continue it if I could. And I hope to do it again.

Much Love,
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I never objected to anyone else doing it. I just never felt the desire to try.

The girl who caught the bouquet at my wedding was so high that day, she doesn't remember any of it - when I related what she told me of how she was practicing to catch it ('Yeah, man, I've been having so-and-so throw apples and parsley and stuff at me so I can catch in mid-air!'), she was surprised she said that. (She quit when she went into school to be a lab tech.) She apologized for not remembering attending my wedding, and I told her it was okay because I was divorcing him anyway.

Speaking of, my ex-husband was deathly allergic to marijauana - he would cough up blood, his allergy was so bad. I kept telling him to rent his services out to parents who suspected their kids of smoking. Just sniff around the place and see how he reacts. He thought I was being facetious.
Contributor: csweatc csweatc
Weed and sex were made to go together. The only way I've been able to achieve prostate orgasms fully is when I've been smoking weed too. At this point in my life, I only smoke pot if I'm going to have sex or trying to have an orgasm party in my butt for a couple of hours.
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
Originally posted by csweatc
Weed and sex were made to go together. The only way I've been able to achieve prostate orgasms fully is when I've been smoking weed too. At this point in my life, I only smoke pot if I'm going to have sex or trying to have an orgasm ... more
Hahahaha. Awesome.
Contributor: Not here Not here
I smoke weed pretty much every day. It helps with my anxieties, and it does not make me lazy, or stupid or unmotivated. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Pot has a terrible stigma attached to it BECAUSE it's illegal. Yes, some people do stupid things while high.. but is it because of the weed? Most likely not. Honestly, I think alcohol is a lot more harmful and I rarely drink because of this.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by csweatc
Weed and sex were made to go together. The only way I've been able to achieve prostate orgasms fully is when I've been smoking weed too. At this point in my life, I only smoke pot if I'm going to have sex or trying to have an orgasm ... more
Yeah. When I was with Mulder he always smoked out afterwards. Said it was better than a cigarette.
Contributor: AU AU
I have never have tried it, never want to. I have a strong aversion to anything being smoked around me. I like fresh air, smelling good, dislike smokers' messes. I don't like when people use marijuana at inappropriate times (I have had too many classes with high kids.) or when people expect that I will be cool with it being used around me, don't ask if I'm comfortable with it. If I speak against the legalization of the substance or express some kind of dislike of it people have gotten mad at me. In trying to promote marijuana's "harmlessness" (Although it isn't completely so and time may find it even less so. Who knows.) fans sometimes get carried away. It is a very sensitive topic, even when I am careful with my wording. And it's not just that it is illegal that I dislike it so much. I just don't like it. Like some people hate being around drinking people, I don't like being near smokers. And I have that right to be against it, I don't feel a need to be vilified for it. Now, that is the smoking of that I am so against. If you want to make brownies, go ahead! Just eat them at an appropriate time.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I smoke it with the boyfriend. That's it. I love it and it really helps me relax for sex. It makes me hornier and just more chill...though I need to stop inhaling food every time I smoke. I gain 5 pounds in about 8 hours. Fucking cookies.
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
I smoke maybe every other day. I don't mind not smoking, but if it's there, heck yeah. It relaxes me and makes me giggly. And seriously hungry, of course. And sex is awesome stoned (though it's awesome all the time anyway). I like smoking better than drinking. It doesn't make me do stupid things lile alcohol does, it doesn't give me a hangover, and I don't have to worry about becoming addicted (my father and brother were alcoholics, so it's a concern).

There are times I don't feel like smoking, though. I like being stoned, but I also enjoy being clearheaded. Smoking can make things hard to remember. And I don't need it to enjoy life. It just makes things a little more interesting sometimes.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by ZenaidaMacroura
What's your relationship with marijuana? Do you smoke it? Have you? Would you? If so or if not, why?

This is an anonymous poll, so you're name won't be displayed, so please be honest! And feel free to comment, too!
rarly I did last night tho haven't for like half a year
Contributor: Kinkyquing Kinkyquing
I've done it a few times with friends.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I've tried it but it does nothing positive for me. I experience only the negative effects. My son inherited my response to it.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I used to ... chain smoke joints, do buckets, parachutes, rockets, bong hits all that jazz. Had kids. Now I smoke once in a while; less than 2 times a month usually, when my ex has the kids for a couple of days. I would just rather be sober so that if anything comes up with my kids, I won't be balling my eyes out later for fucking it up because I was baked.
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
No no no. I'm not into it and never will be. I have nothing against anyone who does it, but I don't want it legalized nationally. I understand all of the positives it would do for the eeconomy, but, ya know what?, I'm just not feelin' it.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I have smoked before and it was okay. Now, I don't. I hate it. I think it's disgusting. I can't stand the smell. And I hate how people act when they smoke. I can't tolerate self-induced stupidity.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I did in my teens but I grew out of it. Now I don't like the thought of what it would be doing to my body and brain - my memory is bad enough as it is. But I did enjoy it back then.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Peer pressure - I tried it a couple of times in my teens but seriously it was never the thing for me. I hated smoking though so...same difference. It just wasn't for me. Besides my family had enough druggies and alcoholics in it and I saw and felt first hand it's effects. Didn't need me to join the ranks.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I'm a social smoker. When I have friends who have some and they offer I will take some. It happens very rarely, perhaps once every year or two years. I have never bought pot nor will I ever. I think its fun to do on special occasions but I would never buy any to have at hand when ever I feel like it. It's like smoking a cigar for me. An unusuall perk.
Contributor: Destri Destri
Used to be quite the pot head in my youth. Rarely ever do it anymore... to be honest, I have had a contact high a time or two recently just from being around someone else smoking.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
"I have never smoked and do not want to."

Never wanted to and I doubt I will ever want to.

I've never done any drug though.
Contributor: Teaser Teaser
"I have smoked in the past, but don't any more."

Mostly I don't because my wife is very much against it, and the argument that it would cause isn't worth it.

I have nothing against it, or anyone that smokes.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Never tried it....Don't ever plan to.

I've been subjected to second hand smoke from it at events....and the smell is enough to make my stomach churn. So even if I wanted to try, I don't think I'd tolerate it!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Chilipepper
I never objected to anyone else doing it. I just never felt the desire to try.

The girl who caught the bouquet at my wedding was so high that day, she doesn't remember any of it - when I related what she told me of how she was practicing ... more
Hehehe your post made me giggle. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't do it. And not out of a sense of superiority or anything, it's just not my thing and I really have negative interest. There are other things I'd much prefer to do.

But the stories of a friend of yours and your ex made me laugh. I think they both serve as "don't do drugs" slogans in their own way.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by csweatc
Weed and sex were made to go together. The only way I've been able to achieve prostate orgasms fully is when I've been smoking weed too. At this point in my life, I only smoke pot if I'm going to have sex or trying to have an orgasm ... more
Awesome: "orgasm party in my butt"
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
Originally posted by csweatc
Weed and sex were made to go together. The only way I've been able to achieve prostate orgasms fully is when I've been smoking weed too. At this point in my life, I only smoke pot if I'm going to have sex or trying to have an orgasm ... more
Ugh, they never worked well for me. Everything just gets too intense and sometimes I've had to stop. It was incredibly disappointing.

However, "orgasm party in my butt" is probably my new favorite phrase.
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
My parents found out that I had smoked one time in high school and flipped out. They asked my Sunday School teacher (yes, I went to Sunday School all through high school) to talk about drugs. It totally backfired. He said that stupid kids do drugs because everyone else is doing them and smart kids do them because they wanted to know what it was like, which was the reason why I tried it.

Many years ago I used to smoke quite a bit, I'm too busy in life and have too much going on to really bother with it much anymore. I smoked with my step dad once, that was weird. But yeah, for the most part I think I just sort of grew out of it.
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I have in the past, not anymore though.
Contributor: tim1724 tim1724
Never have. If prop 19 had passed, I might have tried it.