Have you started your new year's resolutions yet? (Non sexual ones)

Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Where are you at with your resolutions? Have you made progress? did you just decide to not do anything? Are you really thinking about starting even though its past january?

What do you think about a group we could all go to,to motivate each other,talk and post our progress? I can make a facebook for just that thing..no relatives or people I know will be added to that one and it will be private...or myspace works too..as 2 1 facebook and 1 myspace for this..
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
TitsMcScandal , Gunsmoke , Crash , Redboxbaby , SexKittenXxX , DustBunny , dv8
7  (32%)
actually think I'm really going to start them soon
kinky girlfriend
1  (5%)
I want to but can't at the moment(explain
I didn't make resolutions
fghjkl , DeliciousSurprise , Miss Madeline , Purpleladybug , leatherlover , Coralbell , dhig , Waterfall , LavenderSkies , potstickers , buzz , Tori Rebel , darthkitt3n , lezergirl
14  (64%)
I'd rather not say
Total votes: 22
Poll is closed
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Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
Where are you at with your resolutions? Have you made progress? did you just decide to not do anything? Are you really thinking about starting even though its past january?

What do you think about a group we could all go to,to motivate each ... more
ya looks like it needed to be multiple choice sorry,but it can still work...thought that AFTER i already posted and I couldn't change that option..

NO I haven't and I'm as unhappy as I've ever been in my whole life. Thats all I'm going to say about how negative its been.

Anyway,There more like goals or maybe more like things I need to do,has been weighing on me. I do wonder how much will change or improve and that scares me because trying really hard and not getting much out of it for all the effort and work would probly depress me more.

most of them I can't even start...but I will be doing little by little hopefully it pays off
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I'm doing pretty damn spankin' good on my goals so far.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I'm doing really well with my resolution so far.

My only non-sexual resolution was to attend every munch for the kink group I belong to. I have attended 100% of them so far.

I'm upset because there is the storm of the century going on right now in Chicago so I won't be able to go tonight, but from what it sounds like- no one will be. So even though I'm disappointed in myself, there's not too much I can do about it.
Contributor: Miss Madeline Miss Madeline
I resolve every year to get better with age.

I manage to succeed every year. :oD
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Working out more to get ready for a one-day hike up Mt Whitney. It's 11 miles and 1 mile of elevation gain from 8,500 to 14,500 fasl one way - then another 11 miles back down. I've done it before - but it's really hard and I'm a bit older now so training will be very important.
Contributor: Crash Crash
Getting more exercise, no more drinking coke (or pop, or soda, or whatever you call it where you are from), taking better care of my teeth, and improving my diet, and performing an evaluation of my resolutions ever 1 or 2 weeks. So far I'm doing better, but I'm still working on it. At least I haven't given up yet .
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by kinky girlfriend
Where are you at with your resolutions? Have you made progress? did you just decide to not do anything? Are you really thinking about starting even though its past january?

What do you think about a group we could all go to,to motivate each ... more
I didn't make any, I never keep them anyway!
Contributor: buzz buzz
I never really liked this tradition. People always make broad goals that are unattainable and don't give results fast enough. Then people get bored of it and give up in the first month. I think if you want to set a goal, any time of the year, thats great but you first need to make sure its SMART.

Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Yes I have and I am off to a great start. I have lost 9 pounds since Jan 1. My goal is to be healthier and stronger this year, than I have been in the last 5 years. We have several mountain climbing goals for this summer. Now, if my husband would just get home, I could get started on the other goals I have in mind!
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by buzz
I never really liked this tradition. People always make broad goals that are unattainable and don't give results fast enough. Then people get bored of it and give up in the first month. I think if you want to set a goal, any time of the year, ... more
ya i dont have tne energy..I have to work up to that...not sleeping enough because of symptoms and being so ill I can't do anything except force myself to work 5.5 hours 5 days a week and all my energy goes down the toilet with my illness all day...(pun intended)

right now I'm working on diet more so maybe in a month I can have more nights I don't wake up angry,grumpy because I feel my body is attacking me and i'm tired at the same time it won't let me sleep I can lay down relax and try it forces me into the bathroom
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by buzz
I never really liked this tradition. People always make broad goals that are unattainable and don't give results fast enough. Then people get bored of it and give up in the first month. I think if you want to set a goal, any time of the year, ... more
Great graphic - and a great way to plan to reach your goals - thanks
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I've done pretty decent.
Cut out a large majority of soda and sweets, lost a couple of inches.
Going to school
Moving into a new place
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I didn't make any. I already don't smoke, am living a healthier life, paid off my bills, and am working on moving out. Other than changing schools, I don't really think I have anything I can make a goal out of.
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
i've never made a resolution on new years, and I never plan to.