What do you think of the Marie Claire "Fatties" Controversy?

Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
*Yay for my first forum post!*

Anyway, I came across this article when I was checking my Yahoo mail:

Should "Fatties" Get a Room? (Even on TV?)

This article has *alot* of people upset and angry about it and even prompted an apology from the author and also this article on the controversy: link

So, my questions are:

Have you all heard about it? And what do you all think?

I put it as Private voting, just to be safe about it, but you all are more than welcome to elaborate via comments

(P.S: Sorry if I put this poll in the wrong place or did something wrong, just let me know and I'll know better next time! )
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I have heard about it....
I have not heard about it.....
.... and this article angers me *tremendously*.
.... and I'm "meh" about it, neither here nor there, or in the middle.
.... and I agree with the author of the article.
And, of course, the infamous "other".
Total votes: 127 (67 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
I'll do a shameless self post, lol

Honestly, I think that the author was very rude in the article and it does anger me. As a woman who has some meat on her bones, and with Synthetik having some meat on his bones as well, her likening larger people to alcoholics and drug addicts is way out of line.

While, yes, technically she has the right to put her opinions out there under the First Amendment, she was so tactless and just downright despicable with how she said this:

"So anyway, yes, I think I'd be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I'd find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair."

I just find it completely shameful of her to write such things, but that's, of course, just my opinion
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
This article angered me as well. Plus, that "apology" also is more of a "I'm sorry what I said offended you" rather than "I'm sorry for what I said." To me, it really sounded like an apology written only to try to shut people up.

Of course being a bigger girl I could be biased about it all. But either way, it was totally tasteless and inappropriate. Especially considering how prolific Marie Claire is. So many younger girls are going to be reading that and it will only help to propagate discrimination against people who are outside the societal "norms" of appearance.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
Originally posted by Jessica Elizabeth
This article angered me as well. Plus, that "apology" also is more of a "I'm sorry what I said offended you" rather than "I'm sorry for what I said." To me, it really sounded like an apology written only to try ... more
/agree! Thanks for your input!
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
Originally posted by Persephone Nightmare
/agree! Thanks for your input!
welcome! You have a good point that yes, absolutely she has a right to her opinion. I personally find very thin people aesthetically displeasing. HOWEVER, people who are not what I find attractive still have *every right* to be on tv, to shop in the stores with me, and to enter my line of vision.

If I find them THAT displeasing to look at, I will simply look elsewhere.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
The unfortunate fact is that it is still socially and societally acceptable to shame this segment of the population, and is even encourage by peers and authority. While some redneck dick has every right to have a bumper strip saying 'No Fat Chicks', he would be hung if the word 'fat' was replaced with the 'n-word' or even 'black'. The belief that shame and verbal/physical violence (yes, I've been physically assaulted because of my weight) will force people to lose excess weight is a sick assumption lodged in a bigoted mindset. It is a hate crime, and it's an acceptable hate crime to indulge in.

What bothers me is that the writer is 'turned off' by prime time physical affection between larger couples - if she wants to be turned on by actors being together, she should just get porn in her favorite genre (perhaps necrophilia) and be done with it.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Marie Claire has really fucking gotten lowbrow if they posted this spewing tirade of grammatically retarded bullshit. Kelly's article (and not even a commissioned article, but rather a blog piece featuring herself typing whatever blithe thoughts flit about in her helium-addled cranium) illustrates the body-loathing thin-arazzi that all but defines the attitude of the fashion industry. Marie Claire in print has a lot more relevance and depth and actually covers very important topics facing female culture, not just the new cruise collections from D&G.

I was appalled that they ran the piece and stood behind it, never really apologizing for what Kelly said. "Oh, you can't take what I said too seriously, because I've had problems with eating disorders in the past, so I've earned the right to call overweight people fucking disgusting."

That one reply to Kelly's piece was fucking fabulous. The gal apolgized for walking, breathing, and having sex because she's soooo faaaaat. I'd like to see THAT woman write a column for Marie Claire.

/end rant
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I heard about this on "The Talk" on CBS. Sharon Osbourne called her a disgrace to women and a bitch, and I have to agree.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
Very true, all. And also I couldn't help but notice when she said:

"Now, don't go getting the wrong impression: I have a few friends who could be called plump. I'm not some size-ist jerk."

To me, it's like this, "Hmmm, where have I heard this before?... Oh yes, whenever someone says something condescending about someone who is different and then says, "I have a friend who is a [insert race/religion/national ity/sexuality/any other differences one could have] person" and usually they say that to try and make a completely rude discriminative statement sound like it isn't, and keep the heat off their backs"
Contributor: sasweetheart89 sasweetheart89
Originally posted by Persephone Nightmare
I'll do a shameless self post, lol

Honestly, I think that the author was very rude in the article and it does anger me. As a woman who has some meat on her bones, and with Synthetik having some meat on his bones as well, her likening ... more
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Even though I am the one that people are always encouraging to eat more because, in their opinion, I am a below average weight, I still take comments like that personally because it is just offensive and rude. It is sad that someone like that has the platform to say such hurtful things.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
Originally posted by sasweetheart89
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Even though I am the one that people are always encouraging to eat more because, in their opinion, I am a below average weight, I still take comments like that personally because it is just offensive and rude. It is ... more
I very much agree with you, even if I weren't the size I am now, and I were a skinny lass, I'd *still* be offended. Not only is she rude to people who are larger, but she, in turn, gives thinner people a 'bad name' as they say (which isn't good because it shouldn't be a "Battle of the sizes", it should be, "Oh, you're a bit bigger than I, or smaller, but that's okay, you're still beautiful").
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
I was absolutely horrified to read this. Fatshionista actually did a really great reply to this.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
I was absolutely horrified to read this. Fatshionista actually did a really great reply to this.
I just read the Fatshionista article and it was great! Thanks for posting it, lol. Not only was it funny, but it was very true!

And I personally think the picture of the people kissing on that page was cute and sweet
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I watch Mike and Molly as part of my Monday night line up. It replaced Big Bang theory (which moved to another night) and being so used to the 2 hours of comedy I figured I would give it a try.

I love it.

If the writer had any fucking common sense and watch the god damn show she would know that yes, they are over weight and they crack jokes about eachother BUT they met and and OVER EATERS ANON meeting AND they are always talking about trying new diets, looking for ways to lose weight, on the treadmill etc..

It is not just 2 large people making out over a bucket of KFC. They meet in a different way, they are falling in love and they are just the sweetest couple ever.

UGH! People like her I would like to kick in the snatch.

/end rant

sorry for the bad words *snickers*
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
That sorta thing just makes me laugh. People are so obsessed with how people look, and then they can't figure out why people have low self-esteems. Its like "Hello, you're the one contributing to it"

But overall I felt her response was help back and she probably had much nastier things to say. It was all in her tone for me. And I felt that her "apology" was more or less trying to justify what she said rather than actually say she was sorry.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I have not heard of it, but I did read the article.

In some ways, I agree with the person, but do I find it revolting like them? By NO stretch of the imagination. I do know, however, that is extremely unhealthy, and I truly wish that these individuals would try to at least eat healthier and lose a few pounds. One of my best friends is extremely overweight, and it makes me cry so much because I know that they're not healthy...

Aside from that, I don't agree with this person's approach. They're very rude, mean, and just not the nicest individual.

I do not find having overweight individuals on the telly to be wrong. In fact, I like it! I like seeing variety. But I don't dislike seeing models that are thin on the telly, either. I like people of all shapes and sizes to be represented! Not just bigger, not just smaller. So for them to say that, I felt was wrong. It's like when overweight people say that having THIN individuals on the television is wrong - it isn't wrong at all! Neither is less or more wrong - they're all just fine to me!

Alright, so overall: I don't agree fully with the writer, but I don't disagree either. Overweight individuals who are unhealthy should, indeed, lose weight because it's simply unhealthy for them as human beings. Should they be off the telly? No, they shouldn't - variety is a good thing. But being healthy is, too! When I use the term "overweight," I really mean obese; being a bit overweight is alright!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Lol, well she obviously wanted to bomb her career and she succeeded.
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
I agree with everyone here.

Most of what I wanted to say has been said: I am appalled, want to kick her in the teeth, etc etc.

Yeah she has a right to her opinion but that is just crossing the line. People like that make me sick. I am not skinny myself, in fact most people consider me BBW . Idk what the hell I am but I sure ain't a pole.

Her whiny past eating disorder excuse is bullshit. Maybe those people have an eating disorder too.

Oh, and that apology, sounded like something her boss made her do to keep up their image.
Contributor: mllebeauty mllebeauty
So many people have made really good points here.

I was horrified about this article and flabbergasted she had the gall to write it without having seen the show. Come on! Know what you're talking about. This attitude really does represent the highly accepted prejudice against overweight people. She does everyone a disservice in the original article as well as her "apology".
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
Thanks all for your opinions

@Sir, I understand what you're saying. You feel that people should try to be healthier not because they disgust you, but because you care about their well-being. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way at all

You'll find no quarrel from me because of that, and also seeing as we both agree that the author of the article was very rude and mean-spirited.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
*Looks up at the polls* Hey now, all you "others", come down here and tell us what you all think!

Lol, but in all seriousness, I wouldn't mind. I'd like for there to be some discussions amongst each other here. Honestly, as long as the teeth and claws don't come out, then I'm fine with it, lol.

*Starts trying to lure the "others" from their hiding with some cake and drinks*

* And a rabbit vibe: *
Contributor: popples popples
I heard about it via Twitter and was wondering why Marie Claire was a trending topic. I've been a huge fan of the magazine for a number of years and I was very saddened and disgusted by that article. It was completely uncalled for.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
This link is definitely worth reading... The article's author is kind of pointing the finger at Marie Claire, making the accusation that Marie Claire editors asked her to read and respond to the article quickly, knowing her history of eating disorders, in order to incite an emotional response from the community.

I don't know whether or not this is true (I don't know that anyone can, save the Marie Claire editors and the writer, herself) but if this is true... Well...
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
I read it, and it disgusted me. As a fat chick -- HELLO, I had gastric bypass surgery last year to get to the 185 lbs I am now! -- it angers me that human beings can be so shameless and lacking in remorse to attack, demean and belittle other human beings.

We're fat. We know. We don't need to be reminded. We loathe ourselves enough, must you add to it? Seriously... gah.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
OK... this is a touchy subject for me... obviously... BBW... well, we all know what that means. And while I'm secure in who I am right now, it doesn't mean that I'm not looking to be healthier. (she says while chugging a Coke because TOM is here and whenever TOM comes around all the health endeavors turn yellow-bellied and run away until TOM leaves... TOM is a bitch)

I go to the gym 2-3 times a week (when I can) and I eat whole grains, brown rice, lean meats, avoid processed sugars, etc. And I do everything in my power to not mention calories, diets, or any of the sort around my kids. The last thing I want is to generate an eating disorder in them. And being morbidly obese is an eating disorder.

And while I know and realize that those things are supposed to generate results, it took me 3 months to lose 15 pounds. I know I have had two kids. My metabolism is slowed. I'm now 30.

My point is it is more than "putting your mind to it." It's about overcoming habits. It's about putting all your emotional bullshit behind you. It's about slaying the demons that tell you "you're worthless" "You'll never get there" "It's just one more cookie" It's a disease. And it's real. As real as anorexia. And that woman should know better if she's dealt with anorexia.
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
"So anyway, yes, I think I'd be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I'd find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair."

Cute eh?

Is it funny that being anti-obese is totally acceptable now a days? I mean your career can be ruined for using a racial slur but when you pick on an overweight person, we chuckle and laugh.

Its bullshit to be honest. Where is the league of people trying to protect the big persons rights? "your too fat to fly on this plane sir". Only when a actor stands up do they say anything.

Really its a shame when people who never walked in a big persons shoes sit on their high horse and pass life lessons down to the poor fat sinners.

There is a lot more to "being fat" than over eating and being lazy. There is such thing as food addiction also...

I just wish they had to walk in the shoes of a larger person for 1 day.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Persephone Nightmare
I'll do a shameless self post, lol

Honestly, I think that the author was very rude in the article and it does anger me. As a woman who has some meat on her bones, and with Synthetik having some meat on his bones as well, her likening ... more
I second your opinion. I hadn't heard of the controversy until just now though. But I only read half her article before becoming too angry to continue it.

I could write a small book about why she is wrong about all overweight people having complete control, "size-ist" (as she claims she is not), and downright offensive. But instead of doing that, I'll simply say she has made me beyond angry and I'll make sure to never support or promote her (or the magazine that printed the garbage) in the future.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
"So anyway, yes, I think I'd be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I ... more
Viktor, I adore you for what you wrote here. *kisses your typing hands*
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
This is TERRIBLE. WTF. That person desires to be fired. If they felt bad, they should not have typed that, because there are people out there who truly can't lose weight, no matter how hard they try.

Contributor: DustBunny DustBunny
I wish people like that would get sat on by those they insult. I don't mean that in a way to make fun of larger people since I'm far from in shape myself. But really, why should everyone be the same size? If those actors have confidence to put themselves out there the way they are that's more then most people would do.