Who still lives at home &what ages?

Contributor: AJvil AJvil
I'm just curious how many other people still live at home? I'm 23 and hate it but right now it's the best choice.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Princess-Kayla ♥ , Ice1 , NarcissisticLust , quinceykay , interestingstuff , kz916
6  (20%)
AJvil , Coralbell , Jake'n'bake , Chirple , DeliciousSurprise , Errant Venture , KyotoAngel , Howells , idunshire , Vanille , Rin (aka Nire) , ConnerJay , switzerland
13  (43%)
Illusional , kinky girlfriend , CoffeeCup , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , Jul!a , EnterTheFist , Zombirella , markwashere , SMichelle
9  (30%)
1  (3%)
1  (3%)
Total votes: 30
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Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
moved in and out several times
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Had to move back in with my parents after my separation - they told me to go back to school to get my degree and help out around the place. It's frustrating being 34 and having to ask to borrow the car (mine caught fire when I moved back cross-country ... still making payments on it, too). I'm told this is now normal because of the economy, but I'm still part of the generation that was told to get the hell out at 18 and you're a loser if you live with your parents after that age.

I live in their den because we don't have basements in Florida. *sad smirk*

So, no, I haven't spent all that time with them so the word "STILL" doesn't apply.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Ditto. I bounce in and out of the homes, here and there.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Me and my fiance live with my grandma right now. Hopefully though if I get hired at my school, and when he gets his taxes back we can start putting it into saving for a house.
I love my grandma, but sometimes she drives me crazy.
Contributor: Subbi Subbi
I wish I could be living at home, I hate paying bills
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I live at home because living in an apartment is too expensive and not worth it. Independence is nice and all, but I'd rather not be paying money to have it.
Contributor: T&A1987 T&A1987
at home during the breaks, but i have an apartment during school. hoping to have an apartment after graduation.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
I'm back at University right now and haven't got a job yet, so my parents pretty much support me, but I live in a separate apartment. A few years ago they thought it's time for me to be independent at least in terms of housekeeping if not financially
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I really wish I could be living with my parents; I thought I would after graduation but I ended up getting a job across the country. I miss them a lot
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I couldn't afford tuition if I was paying rent. :/
Contributor: CoffeeCup CoffeeCup
26 and still with my mom. It's kinda rough on the ego.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
22 and living with my family. I'd love to move out, but even just renting a good place around here is still very expensive.
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
26 we're looking for a place right now. Hoping to get something by the end of this year. If we try to get a short sale it could take forever
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
23 till september but it's mostly because my mother needs me here. I'd prefer living on my own or with my bf though.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'll be 24 in a few days, and my husband and I live with my mother while we're saving for a house.
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
22, living at home with my parents :/ I never thought I'd be done with college (the first half at least) and still living at home. I need to get out of here, this town is driving me crazy!
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I'll be 24 come May.

I'm disabled/unemployed, I don't think I'd survive outside my parents' house unless I had assistance in paying for everything, and I don't want to live like that. :/
Contributor: Beck Beck
I was out at 19.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I'm 22 (going on 23 in a month) and can't afford my own place right now. Fortunately my dad is extremely generous and doesn't charge rent like some parents do - just so long as I have a job, he rather likes having me around.
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
I'm living with my family while I take local college classes and save up money. It's not a big issue I guess, but I wish I had more privacy. :/
Contributor: married with children married with children
I moved out right after I was done with college. Not that I lived at home for college, I would come home and sleep for a few hours and go back out and hit it. Went to school full time, and had a full time job; so I wasnt home for anything but a few hours of sleep.
Contributor: ConnerJay ConnerJay
I moved out at 17 to live with a girlfriend, lived together for 4 years, broke up, and now I am 21 and living back at my parents. Bleh...
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Hubby and I bought our own home 6 months before we got married I was 21 at the time - I didn't move in til we were wed but after two kids we needed a bigger place for the third and we sold our house before we finished building our new home so we moved in with my Mom for a couple of months. Wasn't to save on money though cuz we paid all her bills and ours too. I have a brother who is a deadbeat and I wasn't about to get thrown in that bracket. Now he's 45 and bumming off my mother but he comes and goes as money, drugs and whores take him.

A lot of decent folks live with their families now though cuz of the economy. In fact Mom has an open door policy at our house for the winter cuz she can't afford oil for her home. Just easier and cheaper to shut her house down for the winter.
Contributor: EnterTheFist EnterTheFist
24. I don't enjoy it, and my girlfriend and I probably could afford a place for a little while. But I don't want to risk having to move back in with my mom. Once I move out, I want to be out for good.
Contributor: T&A1987 T&A1987
Originally posted by Jul!a
I'll be 24 in a few days, and my husband and I live with my mother while we're saving for a house.
you're 23? and you're a top reviewer? between you and Laur3n, way to make me feel old
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
26 next month, still at home while I finish up my last quarter of college. I'm hoping to be out with my fiance by the end of the year! Never thought I'd still be home when I imagined my life at this age when I was a teenager. I'm SO ready to get out and get some PRIVACY.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by T&A1987
you're 23? and you're a top reviewer? between you and Laur3n, way to make me feel old
Lol, only for a few more days

Being 23 that is. I enjoy reviewing and will probably stick around and keep doing that, lol.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
i'm 23 this year and am at home - i just graduated university and had no plans. no i have plans to move in with my boyfriend this coming summer. it can't come fast enough! not that i hate my parents and brother, i just hate this town and being so far away from my man
Contributor: kz916 kz916
Home sadly.but its best.