The Royal Wedding

Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
Originally posted by Jobthingy
It is all the buzz on the tv as of late. Some people are waiting in anticipation for this day. They are going to stay up to watch the live airing at 3am (EST) on the 29th.

So Edenites, confess, who here is planning on staying ... more
i set my alarm for 4am that night, woke up when it went off, went to the living room, turned on the tv, & laid on the couch. i fell asleep & woke up when kate was getting in the car to go to the church. i really only wanted to see the dress since i'm obsessed w/ bridal fashion. after that i decided to watch the wedding, then i went back to bed.
Contributor: TexasBrat TexasBrat
I confess!! I did NOT watch it. ;P I think it's great that they've found each other, but, IMHO, this country has more to worry about than what the "Royals" are doing.
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by Jobthingy
It is all the buzz on the tv as of late. Some people are waiting in anticipation for this day. They are going to stay up to watch the live airing at 3am (EST) on the 29th.

So Edenites, confess, who here is planning on staying ... more
Wasnt interested in watching two very wealthly people getting married.. wish them all the best.. im sure it is tough being rich and famous and trying to maintain a healtly happy marriage
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by Jobthingy
It is all the buzz on the tv as of late. Some people are waiting in anticipation for this day. They are going to stay up to watch the live airing at 3am (EST) on the 29th.

So Edenites, confess, who here is planning on staying ... more
i did not watch it, but it was shown on tv countless times after.