Do you believe abstinence only education REALLY works?

Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
Of course it doesn't work.
Contributor: Rockasaurus Rockasaurus
Originally posted by SkinFlute
Here in the south I see so many girls get pregnant because they were taught "birth control fails so just don't have sex". This leads them to think that since birth control doesn't even work (even though most methods are above 90% ... more
We need education, plain and simple. Even kids need to know all of the facts.
Contributor: hillys hillys
It makes lots of girls get pregnant like the more south you go the more girls who get pregnant in middle school. Also teenagers tend to rebel. If you tell them not to do something then they will do it.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Birth control can fail and it's always a hard thing when it does, but I'd just use both kinds of protection and hope for the best. If the odds are against you to get through that, maybe you're meant to have the child? I think sex education is really important in schools regardless.
Contributor: Bodhi Bodhi
No. People are generally going to have sex, that's what they do, abstinence only just keeps them uninformed.
Contributor: powerandintent powerandintent
Abstinence only sex education is why there are so many teen moms. Just my opinion.
Contributor: Mrs. Tickle and Giggle Mrs. Tickle and Giggle
Originally posted by SkinFlute
Here in the south I see so many girls get pregnant because they were taught "birth control fails so just don't have sex". This leads them to think that since birth control doesn't even work (even though most methods are above 90% ... more
Teaching abstinence only makes kids want to know what they are missing out on. If you teach abstinence and safe sex you are more likely to get a better response.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by SkinFlute
Here in the south I see so many girls get pregnant because they were taught "birth control fails so just don't have sex". This leads them to think that since birth control doesn't even work (even though most methods are above 90% ... more
No, I think we need the safe-sex education.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by SkinFlute
Here in the south I see so many girls get pregnant because they were taught "birth control fails so just don't have sex". This leads them to think that since birth control doesn't even work (even though most methods are above 90% ... more
No every study done on sex education shows that comprehensive ex ed is the only proven education method. Abstinence only doesn't work, look at the facts
Contributor: LuciFaery LuciFaery
Abstinence only doesn't work. I'm preeeeetty sure teenagers are genetically predisposed to doing the opposite of what they're told or supposed to do more than a great deal of the time. I know I was~ The more you know you're not supposed to do something, the more likely you're going to do it. Yes, not having sex is the only way to 100% avoid pregnancy and STDs but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be taught the consequences, both good and bad, of sex.

And using the bad consequences of sex to scare teenagers is no better. Sex shouldn't be something to be feared or feel shameful about. It's supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Sex is something that's such a hot-button topic and half the time, I can't see why people make such a big deal out of a celebrity having affair. Oh noes! Someone had sex! D= But, I shall digress before I dissolve into a ranty rant of rantness.

What I find most astonishing about abstinence only education is that they teach birth control doesn't work at all? How can they get away with that? I suppose nothing from the South truly surprises me, but don't you go to school to get... educated? Shouldn't accurate and truthful information be readily available? It's really too bad that our culture seems to demonize sex so much, especially in the South. If people felt they could be more open about this admittedly sensitive topic, it could do wonders for our country on an emotional and cultural level. Sure, the States aren't as bad as some countries, but that's not hardly a reason to not make things better.
Contributor: LuciFaery LuciFaery
Originally posted by P'Gell
Repeated studies in everything from drugs to cigarette smoking to alcohol consumption has shown that "scare tactics" simply don't work. EVER!

You scare young women about childbirth, they are going to dread their own ... more
I'm really glad you replied to that post. It sums up how I felt very eloquently when I read Badass' reply. Sure, scary things can happen when sex is involved, but that shouldn't be used to deter people from having it. Those scary things, like pregnancy and STDs, not to mention many other things like squirting, should be taught in a compassionate and honest way without shaming or scare tactics. Teenagers that feel they're being disrespected or treated like they're stupid are just going to rebel that much more. Kids and teenagers aren't stupid and adults do just as many idiotic things as kids, we are all human, after all~

While the most ideal thing would be for both schools and parents to teach this subject, it probably won't happen for too many teens. It would be nice to get accurate and open information from school and then be able to talk to your parents about any questions you might have, because there will most certainly be questions~ A person should be given all the facts and decide for themself if they want to risk having unprotected sex, make the decision to wait for marriage, or something else in-between.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
No way. People are going to do it, no matter what nutty fundies would like to believe!
Contributor: Howells Howells
I think kids should be smart enough to research stuff on the internet on their own. They use it everyday, so why not? That's what I did and do anyway.
Contributor: Nyxx Nyxx
No, it doesn't work.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
No, EVERYTHING about sex needs to be taught to kids in Sex Ed to help them protect themselves. If that's what is being taught, might as well say this: "Just go have sex, you may get pregnant and you may get a STD!"
I mean come on. Common sense needs to be hammered into some people.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Originally posted by Beck
Absolutely not. Hearing someone tell me about abstinence only made me want to go have sex. Someone should be teaching something not trying to push morals. They need education on all the options that are available to them. Birth control, abstinence, ... more
I agree.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Howells
I think kids should be smart enough to research stuff on the internet on their own. They use it everyday, so why not? That's what I did and do anyway.
"Should" and "will" are two different things. Many people just go ahead and do what they want without reading at least a little bit on a given topic. (I can't tell you how many people come into my store, ask how to care for a pet they just got, and then throw a huge hissy fit because it's more expensive or involved than they were expecting. A little independent research would have prepared them ahead of time - and these are adults not bothering to research, never mind teens.)

Having sex is something the majority of people will do in their life, so a good sex education program could only be beneficial. And they'd have no excuse not to know what they need to know.
Contributor: hybridinsurge hybridinsurge
It's been proven that comprehensive sex education is more effective in preventing teen pregnancy and the spread of STD's than abstinence-only education. In fact, states that use abstinence-only education or do not require any form of sex education in their public schools have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.

Mississippi doesn't require sex ed but if it is to be taught it MUST be abstinence only. They have the highest rate of teen pregnancy. New Hampshire has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy and uses only comprehensive sex ed.
Contributor: BoobCopter BoobCopter
Not at all.
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
I think it's good to talk about abstinence but they definitely need to touch ALL the bases when it comes to sex. At my school they only talked about abstinence and very vaguely talked about using a condom. They never taught us anything about the types of birth control available, how to get it, where to get it, how effective they are, ect ect. They never talked about being pressured into sex, verbal abuse, any of that stuff. I do recall learning about aids and std's though so at least they talked about that. But when it came to options, I had to go out and figure it all out for myself and learn everything about birth control from my local Family Planning nurse. I can't believe they didn't teach any of that at my school. Crazy.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
I don't believe that it works! I think that a lack of sex education leads to a general lack of knowledge, which in turn leads to teen pregnancy.

Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
People need to know their options, and abstinence isn't the only one.
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
Teenagers are raging with hormones and if they're still anything like I was as a teen (which is pretty much a certainty) all I thought about was sex. Try telling a teenager something not to do and it will only make them want to do it more. Teach them how to be safe, a much better option.
Contributor: Danneh Danneh
Scare tactics and abstinence should both be eliminated by the school system. We need an open and honest sex- ed program
Contributor: Billie Bones Billie Bones
Research has shown that comprehensive sex education prolongs the age of first sexual intercourse more than abstinence only.
Contributor: snowyslut snowyslut
Originally posted by SkinFlute
Here in the south I see so many girls get pregnant because they were taught "birth control fails so just don't have sex". This leads them to think that since birth control doesn't even work (even though most methods are above 90% ... more
No way! I had to do abstainence only ed in high school and all it did was make me really ashamed and confused for a long time. It could have been worse, I could have gotten pregnant or sick, but it definitely screwed me up for a while. Shame on schools who actually think it's ok to not educate kids.
Contributor: SecretToyMan SecretToyMan
Turn on MTV and you'll find the answer
Contributor: SecretToyMan SecretToyMan
Turn on MTV and you'll find the answer
Contributor: duff duff
Heck no it doesn't work
Contributor: Nacht Stern Nacht Stern
We need more education on how to have safer sex. And not just male/female safer sex talk about condoms, birth control, ex.
Kids need to know about safer sex with all the different types of partners!