Do you blow the whistle or zip your lips?

Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Almost always report, unless it was something like an 18 and 17 year old (which can be illegal in some states). I'd want to make sure they could get help.
Contributor: pix pix
Any of those acts, are severely disturbed and I would feel too guilty to not report it. The person needs help and needs to be kept off the streets especially in cases of rape and murder before they hurt themself or another.
Contributor: roskat roskat
I'd report it. Especially anything doing with kids. I can't understand people who just turn the blind eye on child molestation.
Contributor: fufucat fufucat
No-consent sex regardless of age or species should be punished
Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
I would report any of those activities.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Originally posted by joja
If they are hurting someone (including animals): report to cops.

If not: don't care.
I agree
Contributor: badk1tty badk1tty
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
I'd report every one of these actions.
Contributor: hybridinsurge hybridinsurge
I'd report them for any of these things if I knew they were doing it. If I had reason to suspect I might report them or bring it up with them to see how they reacted.
That being said, reporting them doesn't mean anything. It is extremely hard to send a rapist (or other manner of sexual deviant) to prison and even harder to keep them there.
Contributor: curiousnwilling curiousnwilling
I would report everything in which there is a victim. Otherwise, I would tell them to stop before I reported them
Contributor: Scrawberry78 Scrawberry78
It really depends on the act itself.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
I just watched the documnetry zoo and I don't know even how to handle that
Contributor: hotcherry hotcherry
I would only do it if I could remain completely anonymous.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
Considering the seriousness of the examples listed, I clicked 'report no matter what' but that's not 100% true. Technically it's illegal for an 18 year old to have sex with a 17 year old, but I'm not going to destroy some kid's life just because one half of a teenage couple passes an arbitrary milestone before the other. There's a huge difference between that and, for example, a 30 year old authority figure seducing a 16 year old girl. All the rest of that stuff, though -- the person is a danger to society and needs to be stopped.
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
I'd only call the police for things like pedophilia or doing dangerous sex acts.

I wouldn't call the police if I found out they were having sex with animals. Although I would make them seek help to allow them to stop that behavior
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
It really depends on what they are doing. Is their activity actively hurting another human?
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by Ghost
I would bring it up to them if it was with teenagers, before going to the authorities. Any of the others, I would go to the authorities first.
I agree with this statement but I'd like it better if I could remain anonymous.
Contributor: Ganconagh Ganconagh
Depends on the activity...rape, murder, pedophilia definitely report it.
Contributor: KRD KRD
depends on the activity
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
1 warning then mitts off
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Children absolutely. Animals and dead people most likely. I don't want that going on in my community
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'd do an anonymous tip if I had proof of all of them BUT the necrophilia. I really see that as a victimless crime. Besides, with the diseases and bacteria in a rotting human corpse, necrophiliacs kinda take themselves out.
I would be afraid of the diseases and bacteria being introduced into the immediate enviornment and speading.
Contributor: Passion plum Passion plum
Anything involving anyone under the age of consent I would call the authorities and if I found out my local mortician was doing something hanky with his clients I would probably call the police.
Contributor: Pinkshirt Pinkshirt
I would report. Must protect the unprotected.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
It would depend on the activity.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
I say it depends because things like prostitution and other sex work would fall under illegal sexual activity in most places, and that doesn't need to be reported.

But the ones you listed absolutely should, because they involve harming others. (Necrophilia more so to the families of the deceased)
Contributor: Shadowed Shadowed
Depending on the severity of the act and how well I knew the person
Contributor: Lizard Lizard
It just really depends on the crime.
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
I would have to report them.
Contributor: Kenneth Fort Kenneth Fort
Yes, pretty much for any of those.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
Turn them in...