I used to like the idea of Peta, I love animals and want to see them protected but some of the things I hear them going for is things I can't support. For as long as I've known about them they've always been on the extreme side of things- like throwing paint on furs (because I'm sure that just brought that animal back to life, not to mention it could have been fake fur).
There have been a few specific instances that have really made me separate from their cause and one thing that happened a few years ago that I can't get out of my mind. That thing was asking Ben and Jerry's ice cream to use human breast milk instead of cows. I mean I can maybe picture how at first that might have been an okay idea, trying to make it so less animals suffer but to suggest human milk? How did that get past more than one person's idea? It's not okay to take milk from cows that have excess but it is okay to buy milk from women that only a tiny bit left over after feeding her baby? Is manufacturing food with human fluids in high volumes even legal in the US??? Not only would it taste gross but also what if someone passed as not having HIV only to show up a few months later??? Even if they did a recall I'm sure some people would have ate it and got the disease. All I have to say is I'm REALLY glad Ben and Jerry's declined on that one!
Sorry for talking a lot about that one case but it's the really one big things that makes it clear to me that some people in peta have just fallen off the rocker.
There have been a few specific instances that have really made me separate from their cause and one thing that happened a few years ago that I can't get out of my mind. That thing was asking Ben and Jerry's ice cream to use human breast milk instead of cows. I mean I can maybe picture how at first that might have been an okay idea, trying to make it so less animals suffer but to suggest human milk? How did that get past more than one person's idea? It's not okay to take milk from cows that have excess but it is okay to buy milk from women that only a tiny bit left over after feeding her baby? Is manufacturing food with human fluids in high volumes even legal in the US??? Not only would it taste gross but also what if someone passed as not having HIV only to show up a few months later??? Even if they did a recall I'm sure some people would have ate it and got the disease. All I have to say is I'm REALLY glad Ben and Jerry's declined on that one!
Sorry for talking a lot about that one case but it's the really one big things that makes it clear to me that some people in peta have just fallen off the rocker.