Originally posted by
Angel deSanguine
I understand it has a long way to go as it was just introduced. I mention it because if no one does then it just flies under the radar which, to me, in unacceptable.
My exact issue with its wording are precisely what you are pointing out- it
I understand it has a long way to go as it was just introduced. I mention it because if no one does then it just flies under the radar which, to me, in unacceptable.
My exact issue with its wording are precisely what you are pointing out- it is open to interpretation. It is unclear. It is not defined here or anywhere else. In anti-abortion states like those in the South where I live they will happily interpret this as restrictively as they can (read: literally) for the very reasons you mention and be damned who has to live with the consequences. There are very few people that I feel the government owes something to. Victims of rape are one of them.
This absolutely should be brought to the attention of the American people, but if people had been paying attention they would know this is something that has been in the works for a very long time now; I believe since King Bush I.
There's a growing number of women in Congress who will defend the definition of rape to the nth degree.
I am pro-choice and protection of rape victims but I also understand the government's point of view. There is a portion of the population that will take anything they can from the government. What's to stop a woman from claiming she was raped because she had consentual sex and is pregnant but is worried about being shamed by family, losing her job, or willfully didn't use birth control because public assistance was there. Don't get me wrong, there will even be the occasional medical practitioner who will find a loophole and call it something that it's not to cover the cost.
I really have a hard time not seeing both sides of the coin. An abortion is between $350 and $500 dollars. There are a lot of clinics that receive grants from non-federal sources that offer vouchers for assistance through these grants for women in desperate need.
Hey, here's an idea! They should draft a bill requiring the offender to pay for the abortion, forced or not. That should make everybody happy right? With federal funding available if the offender cannot be identified through a police investigation.
Now I'm curious to see the statistics on the number of date rape, drugged rape, incest, forced rape pregnancies that were aborted.
I don't think there's a win-win here at all. There are so many Americans who believe that conception through whatever means is a divine thing and should be carried to term. And there are those who simply believe it isn't any of the government's business one way or another. And there are those like us who believe there should be a safety net.