Legalize Marijuana?

Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
Legalize, regulate and tax it!
Contributor: SydneyScreams SydneyScreams
legalize it!!
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
We already have enough pot heads around here, don't need even more -_-

Also do you know women that smoke it during pregnancy can give their children birth defects? I think we have enough problems with women smoking cigs while pregnant.
Contributor: asphyxia asphyxia
Originally posted by snowminx
We already have enough pot heads around here, don't need even more -_-

Also do you know women that smoke it during pregnancy can give their children birth defects? I think we have enough problems with women smoking cigs while pregnant.
I don't think legalizing marijuana (or any other drug) is going to cause anyone to become a pot head, or change the behavior of any pregnant women. If a woman is selfish enough to do things that could harm her fetus, she'll do those things whether they're legal or not.

Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001 and offers treatment to people instead of putting them in prison. It's now 2013 and quite clear that their program has been a resounding success. Drug use AND STDs have declined. I'm not sure what the US is waiting for. Okay, that's not true... *climbing upon my soapbox* I know why that will never happen here: privatization of prisons. There's too much money in locking people up for trivial bullshit. Greed will always outweigh public welfare in this country. *jumping off my soapbox*
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Legalize it and tax the shit out of it!
Contributor: Mr. John Mr. John
Legalize, regulate and tax it!
Contributor: wicked48 wicked48
Legalize it and tax it.