Long form birth certificate for Obama?

Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Obama released a copy of his long form bc today? Any thoughts on it? Why it took so long to produce? Just curious as to peoples thoughts on this subject.
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I'm so sick and tired of seeing this EVERYWHERE on the internet. He was born here, get over it*.

*Said snidely to anyone who doesn't a) think Hawaii is a state b) anyone who thinks it's forged or c) anyone who is just too damn dumb to concede.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
Birthers are such asshats for thinking that the previously shown certificate of live birth didn't count. It is stupid that Hawaii had to make an exception to their policy on long-form releases just for the President. Hopefully this will make all those birthers feel like the fools they are.
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
Originally posted by Ansley
I'm so sick and tired of seeing this EVERYWHERE on the internet. He was born here, get over it*.

*Said snidely to anyone who doesn't a) think Hawaii is a state b) anyone who thinks it's forged or c) anyone who is just too damn dumb to concede.
Amen. I can't believe this was even necessary.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by mandiegk
Amen. I can't believe this was even necessary.
If he'd been white, it wouldn't have been. Just sayin'.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Originally posted by Ansley
If he'd been white, it wouldn't have been. Just sayin'.
I agree with you on that. If he was white none of this would have even come into question. I personally didn't vote for him, but I don't sit here and try to find things about him to hate and criticize him of either.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by sexyintexas
Obama released a copy of his long form bc today? Any thoughts on it? Why it took so long to produce? Just curious as to peoples thoughts on this subject.
No other president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate. Yeah, ask the black guy! The Certificate of Live Birth is legal, also. He produced that years ago. I don't see the silly deal. These birthers and Tea Partyers only make themselves and the rest of the Republican Party look ridiculous and petty with this issue (and others.)

Don't these people understand that if he hadn't been born in the USA, the CIA and the NSA would have found out long before he ever announced his run for presidency. We have a fairly good enough Intelligence System in this country that if he hadn't been born in the USA, it would have been known by the Powers That Be long ago.

Its such a NON issue.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by alliegator
Birthers are such asshats for thinking that the previously shown certificate of live birth didn't count. It is stupid that Hawaii had to make an exception to their policy on long-form releases just for the President. Hopefully this will make all ... more

Sadly, Obama helped the Republicans by doing so. It made even the solid, long time Repubs look ridiculous by association. He did Boner a favor by producing it....er, I mean...Boehner......
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Jon Stewart says it best. See: Daily Show
Contributor: Curves Curves
Originally posted by Ansley
I'm so sick and tired of seeing this EVERYWHERE on the internet. He was born here, get over it*.

*Said snidely to anyone who doesn't a) think Hawaii is a state b) anyone who thinks it's forged or c) anyone who is just too damn dumb to concede.
Contributor: K101 K101
Honestly, I don't really keep up with it all, but I don't like Obama. I do think the whole birth certificate thing over him not wanting to provide one at first was fishy, but the only reason I cared was because I think he's the antichrist. It may sound crazy, but Revelations describes everything and Obama fits the description. After my town being hit with 3 tornadoes the other day, I am being very careful with the end times/signs. Our area has never saw a disaster and now, we're totally torn apart. People are dead and we're all in shock. Certainly a sign of the end times. My entire town has not had power in 4 days. I'm running a generator now. Can't drink water as it is contaminated! It's outrageous. I guess I'm probably getting too into the antichrist and end of the world subject right now. Do forgive me, I just have had a lot of thinking going on these past few days... in the dark, no power, lots of tornadoes = scary thinking!
  •   (3)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
I think that there are better things in our society to focus on than the bc, I dont understand why he didnt throw it out there when people first asked though when it could have avoided all of the issues that it has caused.
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I think that there are better things in our society to focus on than the bc, I dont understand why he didnt throw it out there when people first asked though when it could have avoided all of the issues that it has caused.
Maybe because the short-form document released several years ago was all that any other American needs to prove they are a natural citizen (I used mine to get a U.S. Passport) and he knew what most of the rest of us do: conspiracy theorists will not shut up no matter what proof you offer them; even now some are claiming this document was Photoshopped.

You can waste your time catering to a couple dozen people, trying to prove something the rest of American knows to be true and those couple dozen will NEVER accept as truth... OR you could focus on your JOB, which happens to be a great deal MORE important than this silly little attention grabbing stunt that Trump "trumped" up.
Contributor: Kat Shanahan Kat Shanahan
I'm just....confused by the whole thing, to be honest. I guess I just can't understand having such a profound dislike/hatred for someone that you insist on something so utterly foolish. I mean, isn't one of the first requirements for a US president that he or she BE a U.S. citizen? Do these "birthers" not realize that, y'know, this stuff was probably all checked out BEFORE Obama ran for office?

And I *definitely* don't understand why the hell Donald Trump, of all people, thinks that he deserves to see anyone's birth certificate. I mean, honest to god, who does he think he is? He's just some washed-up billionaire whose only "relevance" these days is his catchphrase on The Apprentice.

It could just be me, I don't know. I mean, hell, up here in Canada we don't know HALF as much about our prime minister as Americans seem to know about their president. I know Harper has kids, but I don't know their names, nor do I care to know them. All I need to know is that he's a shitty prime minister and that I hope his ass gets booted out tonight!
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by K101
Honestly, I don't really keep up with it all, but I don't like Obama. I do think the whole birth certificate thing over him not wanting to provide one at first was fishy, but the only reason I cared was because I think he's the ... more
WOW! I was flagged for this? Why because I mentioned the bible? Or because I mentioned a disaster? Wow! I was not aware that it was unacceptable to mention a small OPINION of my own that was related to the BIBLE! I get that it was a little off topic, but hell what does anyone expect after being in the middle of a crisis. Guess I should've thought carefully before expressing my opinions. I didn't realize that was so wrong.

People were seriously offended because I spoke of MY OWN scares and I mentioned the bible! WOW! I didn't expect people here to get offended being that most of the topics such as rape for fun is MUCH more offensive than this.
Contributor: Kat Shanahan Kat Shanahan
Originally posted by K101
WOW! I was flagged for this? Why because I mentioned the bible? Or because I mentioned a disaster? Wow! I was not aware that it was unacceptable to mention a small OPINION of my own that was related to the BIBLE! I get that it was a little off topic, ... more
I don't think your post was flagged for mention of the Bible per se; I think it was the description of another human being as "the anti-Christ" that might have done it. Since I'm not one of the people who actually flagged your post, I can't say for sure, of course...but I will say that I found that part of your post pretty distasteful and offensive.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by K101
WOW! I was flagged for this? Why because I mentioned the bible? Or because I mentioned a disaster? Wow! I was not aware that it was unacceptable to mention a small OPINION of my own that was related to the BIBLE! I get that it was a little off topic, ... more
I feel awful about what happened in the South, with the tornadoes. Really.

But, natural disasters have been happening to humans for hundreds of thousands of years and yet, they happen to you, they are suddenly caused by our President, who happens to be a paranormal being and it's a sign of the "end times?" Isn't that a little self absorbed?

Yes, the tornadoes were terrible, I feel bad when people are hurt and killed and their stuff gets ruined. I've been praying for the victims of the tornadoes since they happened. But, really, the President didn't cause the tornadoes. They are a natural disaster, they happen all the time, and you are giving him WAY too much credit. Don't you think if he was a paranormal being he could simply shut up and end all his critics?

Mt Vesuvius erupting sucked. Was it a sign of the End Times? Rational people didn't think so then, 2000 years ago. Nor did rational people blame a paranormal being. The Super Outbreak of tornandoes, which tore through the midwest in 1973 killed a lot of people. But, no one assumed President Ford was a paranormal being who caused them, and that the end of the world was near because of them. 9/11 sucked. A LOT of people died. However, rational people, even those who weren't fond of Bush (like me) didn't blame him, nor attribute him with paranormal powers. I could go on and on. But hey, blame the black guy, I guess that's OK. YES, it is a not so subtle form of racism. Anti-Christ, please. Natural disasters happen, they are awful. But, to blame......what's the use?

I hope the people of your town heal. I also hope anyone who feels the President is a paranormal being will try to think with logic rather than knee jerk illogical reactionaryism.
  •   (1)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Kat Shanahan
I don't think your post was flagged for mention of the Bible per se; I think it was the description of another human being as "the anti-Christ" that might have done it. Since I'm not one of the people who actually flagged your ... more
Well I totally appreciate the feedback!
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by P'Gell
I feel awful about what happened in the South, with the tornadoes. Really.

But, natural disasters have been happening to humans for hundreds of thousands of years and yet, they happen to you, they are suddenly caused by our President, ... more
Yes, I am Christian so I do believe some of these things are signs of the end times & apparently you thought I MEANT THAT OBAMA causes these signs. No. I. DID NOT! Rational people? AND WHAT YOU SAID ISN'T OFFENSIVE? I am not blaming anyone for natural disasters, where did you get that? I am saying our town is in ruins which apparently when a person goes through a hardship others love to destroy everything they can like their beliefs. YOU! I am saying that OUR area, OUR PEOPLE are being more aware of what the bible says. I'm not asking you to believe, quite frankly I could not care less if you do or not, but I can express my own in a devastating time without being attacked and without people needing to make ME feel like I am stupid. I'm glad that you can say people who believe in anti christ is illogical. I believe that ALSO falls under the category of personal attack, attacks against someone's personal beliefs. I see you feel strongly about someone who believes though. Thats sad that you'd let it get you that worked up.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by K101
Yes, I am Christian so I do believe some of these things are signs of the end times & apparently you thought I MEANT THAT OBAMA causes these signs. No. I. DID NOT! Rational people? AND WHAT YOU SAID ISN'T OFFENSIVE? I am not blaming anyone ... more
Huh? What do tornadoes, as awful as they were, have to do with Obama and his birth certificate?

And, for the record, I wasn't the least bit "worked up." I was simply trying to insert some rational thought into the conversation. Tragedies happen, they are awful when they do happen. But, where is the LINK between the tragedies in the South and the President? (which is whom this thread is about.)

I logically concluded your comment that Obama was somehow a paranormal being (the "Anti-Christ" ; ; ; ; ; you called him) as a commentary that you assumed that your area's tragedy was somehow linked to the end of the world and Obama was somehow involved.

Quote from you; "I don't like Obama. I do think the whole birth certificate thing over him not wanting to provide one at first was fishy, but the only reason I cared was because I think he's the antichrist." posted by kendra30752

Directly taken from your post. Do you see why I am seeing a connection?

Am I incorrect?
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
You said: "but hell what does anyone expect after being in the middle of a crisis."

I expect speculation as to whether or not our president is the ant-Christ to not occur. What the hell do you expect to happen after being in the middle of a crisis? Clearly, we do not handles crises in the same way. This actually seems to be a rather counter productive way to handled a crises... To me "This is the end! Soon everything here including everything you worked so hard to rebuild will be destroyed...again...an d this time for all eternity!"...to be a little bit demotivating. No seriously I don't see how this can at all be productive. If you think the world will end tomorrow it makes no sense to start drawing up a five year plan.

I'll stick with my "there will be a tomorrow" method of motivation.
Contributor: big b big b
the longer he dragged it out the better it was for him.now its out we cane get on with the real importen things.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Originally posted by P'Gell
No other president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate. Yeah, ask the black guy! The Certificate of Live Birth is legal, also. He produced that years ago. I don't see the silly deal. These birthers and Tea Partyers only make ... more
John Mccain was virtually forced to show his long form birth certificate (and was more than happy to do so) because he was born in a military base which was under control of the U.S., but not on American soil. This is not a "race issue". As you may know John Mccain is white. This is not a "birther issue" or a "tea party" issue either. What it IS is a Constitution issue.

People who tromp all over the Constitution think that they will not pay for it in the long run. They are deluding themselves.

If you really looked into this issue and studied it before making judgemental comments on race, you may find out other things that you did not know.

That goes for Ansley and Brandi also.

By the way, I did not vote for either Mccain or Obama.

Do you even know who the "Powers That Be" are for that matter?

I only say this to educate, not in a hurtful or disrespectful way.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
The timing of the long for birth certificate release is completely political and, in my opinion, partially for publicity. I do support Obama and will be voting for him again, but I do feel this is to gain publicity.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by Ansley
I'm so sick and tired of seeing this EVERYWHERE on the internet. He was born here, get over it*.

*Said snidely to anyone who doesn't a) think Hawaii is a state b) anyone who thinks it's forged or c) anyone who is just too damn dumb to concede.
Did you see his speech where he presented video of his birth?
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by K101
Honestly, I don't really keep up with it all, but I don't like Obama. I do think the whole birth certificate thing over him not wanting to provide one at first was fishy, but the only reason I cared was because I think he's the ... more
Correlation is now causation?