This ad filled me with so much anger that I'm still afraid on whether I can type properly. I am not a woman because I voted for a man to tell me how to live my life. Sex should not be equated with maturity, nor should voting if you're simply going to be giggling and winking and nudging people over how clever and coy you are, and suggesting that every female who votes differently is not as grown up or special as you are. It's degrading and insulting that my entire political value as a human being has been reduced to birth control, as if women could not have any other possible concerns. And if we're going to be getting all giggly about our "first times", what about women who are voting for Jill Stein in this election? Are they still girls?
I loved the Libertarian counterpoint to this insulting garbage, though:
This ad filled me with so much anger that I'm still afraid on whether I can type properly. I am not a woman because I voted for a man to tell me how to live my life. Sex should not be equated with maturity, nor should voting if you're simply going to be giggling and winking and nudging people over how clever and coy you are, and suggesting that every female who votes differently is not as grown up or special as you are. It's degrading and insulting that my entire political value as a human being has been reduced to birth control, as if women could not have any other possible concerns. And if we're going to be getting all giggly about our "first times", what about women who are voting for Jill Stein in this election? Are they still girls?
I loved the Libertarian counterpoint to this insulting garbage, though: