Manhattan Madame Kristin Davis received 23,000 signatures – (15,000 more than required) to run for Governor. She will also be running while on probation for promoting prostitution.
Sex & Politics - NY Madame Running for Governor
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Am I the only one that thinks she'd already be on more than friendly terms with some of her possible coworkers and peers?....
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Manhattan Madame Kristin Davis received 23,000 signatures – (15,000 more than required) to run for Governor. She will also be running while on probation for promoting prostitution.
I am all for a new approach to government! Maybe its time for more Madames & Professional Wrestlers to get involved!
I think it's great - career politicians are ruining the circus of public office.
Great! I'm sure she already knows all the Ins and Outs of the political system....
Awww that's sad. She's trying to be relevant. I wish these women would just shut up and write a book or something instead. We have enough "trah" in politics. We don't need any more.
This is interesting - I wonder what % of the votes she'll get?
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This is interesting - I wonder what % of the votes she'll get?
Didn't a few porn stars or hookers already try this?
Yes, they're making quite a splash in the Italian government. Things are actually running better over there.
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Didn't a few porn stars or hookers already try this?
Didn't a few porn stars or hookers already try this?
lona Staller, who was known to porn fans as "la Cicciolina," was elected to the Italian Parliament in 1987, as a representative of the Radical Party. The Radicals are the Italian version of Libertarians, and have been in both left and right collations. La Cicciolina took her political responsibilities seriously and, unlike most of her colleagues, never missed a session or a vote. I didn't vote for her, but neither did I find it shocking that a porn star was in the Parliament.
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Yes, they're making quite a splash in the Italian government. Things are actually running better over there.
The current Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has been involved with prostitutes and under-age young women, is being divorced by his wife, Veronica Lario, who said "non posso stare con un uomo che frequenta le minorenni:" i.e. she could not remain the wife of a man who frequents minors.
No, Chilipepper, things are not better over here. Berlusconi first denied that there was a financial meltdown, then, after the G8, he admitted there was an economic crisis but not in Italy. Now he says that there is an economic crisis in Italy because we have too many immigrants. He is a racist and an idiot; forgive me if that is redundant.
Were la Cicciolina to run again, I might be tempted to vote for her. If we are going to be screwed, at least it would be done by a pro.
My apologies, I haven't studied the news recently (watching news here in the States is liable to cause violence).
I'm kind of offended. As a sex worker (of the legal sort) myself, I wouldn't say this woman is trash at all. Good for her.
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Awww that's sad. She's trying to be relevant. I wish these women would just shut up and write a book or something instead. We have enough "trah" in politics. We don't need any more.
In Illinois we have a "wife beating whore monger" running for Governor! (Scott Lee Cohen. He's beat his wife, threatened a live in girlfriend with a knife and worked as a part time pimp, from what I've read.) Par for the course for Illinois politics. As most of our Governors go to jail anyway, (four or five at last count) it shouldn't make a difference if he wins.
The selections in this race are ridiculous, so My Man and I always say, "We're going with the Wife Beating Whore Monger." (Actually, I'm voting for the Democratic incumbent, Quinn, who took the place of our last Governor, who is now on HIS way to jail. As far as I know, he hasn't pimped anyone out, nor beaten his wife.) Illinois....
The selections in this race are ridiculous, so My Man and I always say, "We're going with the Wife Beating Whore Monger." (Actually, I'm voting for the Democratic incumbent, Quinn, who took the place of our last Governor, who is now on HIS way to jail. As far as I know, he hasn't pimped anyone out, nor beaten his wife.) Illinois....
Chilipepper, you do not need to apologize! You are clearly very intelligent, and very funny as well. I like you a lot. Please do not apologize, or I will feel terrible!
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My apologies, I haven't studied the news recently (watching news here in the States is liable to cause violence).
I see how little European news is reported in the on-line US papers. We have the similar silence about African and Asian news on the Italian papers and television, many of which are owned by Berlusconi.
I completely share your concern about how watching the news leads to violence; if televisions were not so expensive, mine would be in pieces.
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