Should comprehensive health insurance include coverage for contraception?

Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Pink Kitty
I only say yes becausse I read a book where a girl was raped, yet she was affiliated with a church, and they did not allow her to get an abortion no matter how much she wanted it.

And in a case of rape, thats just cruel.
Also what if you ... more
"A woman should not go and say 'UHP! had sex again, I am pregnant AGAIN! Time for an abortion'"

You should know that this is a myth. It is used to imply that a woman is always responsible for having gotten pregnant, so she shouldn't be allowed to have "a way out of it". But think--what woman would prefer to go through an ABORTION--which is not a pleasant process by any means, and I speak from experience--rather than simply using some form of birth control? In addition to this, if the "morning after pill" were made available over-the-counter, we'd have much less need for abortions.
Contributor: gabyduffy gabyduffy
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Regarding the church-related businesses not having an issue with the coverage of Viagra: my guess would be that it's not just because Viagra is for men, but rather because, theoretically, Viagra HELPS cause conception, whereas hormone-based contraceptives obviously do the opposite. I'm not sure how many more billions of people need to populate Earth before the Catholic and LDS churches think they've "replenished" enough.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Originally posted by Rawhide
This argument is playing out nationally, where do you stand?
Yes, for all employers who offer health insurance.
Contributor: WestTexasBarbie WestTexasBarbie
Definitely! Paying for family planning is much more inexpensive than paying for maternity care benefits, etc.
Contributor: Septimus Septimus
Yes. Completely yes.
Contributor: surreptitious surreptitious
Originally posted by Rawhide
This argument is playing out nationally, where do you stand?
I absolutely think that it should, and it's a damn shame that it doesn't. Definitely one of my favorite things about Canada.
Contributor: married with children married with children
should car insurance provide oil changes? the more things that you include in the coverage of insurance, the more it will cost you.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by married with children
should car insurance provide oil changes? the more things that you include in the coverage of insurance, the more it will cost you.
This is not a valid analogy. "Health" insurance is supposed to cover "health" expenses. Hormonal "birth control" drugs are prescribed for far more than just contraception, and as such, they are a medical/health expense. In addition, preventing pregnancy is a health expense, because a) consensual sex is scientifically proven to be healthy; b) pregnancy is always a health risk to both woman and fetus; and c) pregnancy health care is far more expensive than contraception coverage, and contraceptive drugs can easily be classified under preventative treatment (when used solely for contraception--they are OFTEN used as a treatment for conditions such as endometriosis).