Stop Corrective Rape Petition

Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by CantankerousUnagi
I saw a video about the South African corrective rape. I don't understand why the American feminist societies and groups don't speak up and help with things like this.
What is it you would like them to do exactly? Storm a foreign government and then what?
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
omg. This is awful. Thanks for the link.
Contributor: Shumway Shumway
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I am sure that some of you have seen this petition before but every time I am reminded of this issue it makes me sick to my stomach.

I hope you guys read this and sign the petition.

Stop Corrective Rape ... more
wow, that's insane. You'd think they'd follow the logical conclusion that this is certainly not going to make them like men all of a sudden. Thanks for sharing.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
I signed it. Thank you for sharing this. I am glad to see everyone having a constructive discussion here too!
Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by PussyGalore
What is it you would like them to do exactly? Storm a foreign government and then what?
Maybe that's what they need to do.
Contributor: Samantha Samantha
Originally posted by darthkitt3n
I signed it. That's awful. I don't see how people can actually think that raping someone will make them like men.
Exactly...if anything, it'd make me be afraid of men, not want to be around them, and not trust anyone at all.
Contributor: Gary Gary
It blows my mind that in the year 2011... some of the world is still in the dark ages.
These atrocities happen through ignorance and religious ideologies. Women should be in charge of all spiritual issues, hold all government offices, and run all religious institutions. Women have empathy, something too many men are without. Women consider people's feelings and the outcome of their decisions. On extremely rare occasions does a woman rape a man.
The masses have not been educated enough to understand what science has known for over 80 years. homosexuality is natural. It is observed in the animal kingdom which humans are a part of. It occurs in the fetal development and is a result of the influence of hormones on the fetus. This knowledge goes against religious ideologies of gay being a choice and therefore a sin. If it is natural then it has to be acceptable, which religion and stupidity will not tolerate.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
"Corrective Rape"? That looks completely effective. *sarcasm button* There is endless abuse everywhere on earth and it is never acceptable. Most countries do not have value on life or compassion for suffering. These men are such patheticly idiotic fuck-tards that they think a woman would WANT a man after being vicously beaten and raped? Makes lots of sense. This is blatent Evil. Good and Evil are equal in this world and unfortunatley most intelligent human beings cannot decipher the two, not neccessarily because of ignorance, mostly its because Evil is hidden inside something seeimingly good. Look at America right now, "ignorance is bliss". Wake up.
Contributor: Curves Curves
thank you for posting.
Contributor: K101 K101
As a victim myself, I usually keep very updated on the whole rape thing and am always signing against awful rape laws on I was surprised though, that I wasn't aware of this "rape cure" that is so shitty! It makes me very angry. Rape is something that will haunt a woman forever and it never goes away. It gets better, but you don't ever get to forget or have what was stolen "refunded" I absolutely hate rapists! I never say I hate anyone, but this is the type of person who I DO hate. Raping a woman will certainly not change her sexual preference if anything, I'd say it make her even more turned off by men!
Contributor: K101 K101
By the way, I did sign it! Sorry for the extra post, but I thought I'd add that the numbers were very close! Keep spreading the word to reach the goal! It's almost there!
Contributor: emilia emilia
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I am sure that some of you have seen this petition before but every time I am reminded of this issue it makes me sick to my stomach.

I hope you guys read this and sign the petition.

Stop Corrective Rape ... more
this is sick and wrong on all levels
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i signed! South Africa is not a woman friendly place to begin with, so I'm glad to do anything to help it become more hospitable place to live
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
I cried when I heard about that horrific practice. To think that rape CURES anything is just fucking horrible! I've been molested and raped multiple times and it does far too much damage than good. I just don't get what the hell is wrong with people who think such a thing is okay.

Sorry for the swearing, I just take this topic very personally. Thank you for the link to the site and the petition. I hope more people like us will sign and donate to help fight this terrible practice.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Unfortunately, I have several lesbian and bi friends in South Africa, so this is something I most definitely back.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I signed it!
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
Wow, not much logic (Not that that's surprising, rape is never a logical action.) behind the idea of corrective rape, like that's really going to make women want to like men.
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop

I also wonder how effective it will be.
Let's hope for the best.