I suppose this is where this will belong, it's the closest fitting area I could find.
For years, I've watched, read, and researched Pony Play. I first saw Pony Play on a brief clip of Real Sex when I was a teenager. Since then, I've wanted to be trained, but due to my rural area and lack of trainers, that has never happened. My husband knows of this fantasy, but it's just not 'up his creek' and he doesn't believe he would be able to pull it off. He's told me more than once, that if I can find a Mistress to train me, that he'd be more than happy for me to fulfill this desire.
Most of the websites that I've visited seem to be against outsiders wanting to learn, you have people that aren't experienced saying they want to train you, or just the occasional creepy reply that you can tell all they want is a sexual experience.
For those of you with more...experience on the dominant side, how do prefer that possible subs/ponies approach you? I don't want to seem over enthusiastic, but then, I don't want it to seem like just a passing phase.
And, for those on either side, how do you find others in your area that share your interest? I wouldn't mind driving an hour or so for training, but I cant drive cross country where a lot of activity seems to be. Any suggestions would be great.
For years, I've watched, read, and researched Pony Play. I first saw Pony Play on a brief clip of Real Sex when I was a teenager. Since then, I've wanted to be trained, but due to my rural area and lack of trainers, that has never happened. My husband knows of this fantasy, but it's just not 'up his creek' and he doesn't believe he would be able to pull it off. He's told me more than once, that if I can find a Mistress to train me, that he'd be more than happy for me to fulfill this desire.
Most of the websites that I've visited seem to be against outsiders wanting to learn, you have people that aren't experienced saying they want to train you, or just the occasional creepy reply that you can tell all they want is a sexual experience.
For those of you with more...experience on the dominant side, how do prefer that possible subs/ponies approach you? I don't want to seem over enthusiastic, but then, I don't want it to seem like just a passing phase.
And, for those on either side, how do you find others in your area that share your interest? I wouldn't mind driving an hour or so for training, but I cant drive cross country where a lot of activity seems to be. Any suggestions would be great.