This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
Is talking online with other women/men cheating?
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It depends on the relationship. In the relationship I have with my boyfriend? Yes (if it's sexual). Have I spoken with some people that don't consider having sex with other people? Yes. If it goes against the agreed rules of your relationship, it's cheating.
Originally posted by
This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
If either of my partners were hiding it from me then yes it would be cheating. Thankfully we have an understanding that we are allowed to have private relationships with others but we disclose that we ARE having a private relationship. Secrets we don't keep but privacy is allowed
Originally posted by
This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
It really depends. If you're having cybersex or relying on your e-buddy for emotional closeness and support without having cleared it with your partner, I think that's just as much cheating as if they were in the same room.
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no.
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no.
I have friends whom I just have friendly convos with. If you're relying on your online friends for intimacy or such and you're hiding it from your partner, then yes, it is cheating.
It's all about intent. If your exchanging information (like we do here on the forum) - then no there is nothing untoward about it. But if you searching for emotional or sexual fulfillment - then yes I'd say I consider that cheating.
As long as you are open about it with your partner, then it is fine.
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It really depends. If you're having cybersex or relying on your e-buddy for emotional closeness and support without having cleared it with your partner, I think that's just as much cheating as if they were in the same room.
If you have ... more
If you have ... more
It really depends. If you're having cybersex or relying on your e-buddy for emotional closeness and support without having cleared it with your partner, I think that's just as much cheating as if they were in the same room.
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no. less
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no. less
If you're keeping it secret you probably think it's wrong
If it's a secret then I'd definitely consider it cheating.
It really depends on what they're talking about.
Depends on the relationship agreements. In my relationship, I'm allowed to play online -- as long as it stays online.
However, that's a newer rule, it used to be against our relationship agreements. Breaking relationship agreements is cheating.
However, that's a newer rule, it used to be against our relationship agreements. Breaking relationship agreements is cheating.
If romantically talking or hiding from your spouse , yes.
I think "Talking" is a loose term.
Originally posted by
This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
"Flirting" talking, yes. It's cheating.
"Friendship" talking, like "Dude let's play some Gears of War", no.
Hmm, know why I call my online and real friends "friends"?
Originally posted by
It really depends. If you're having cybersex or relying on your e-buddy for emotional closeness and support without having cleared it with your partner, I think that's just as much cheating as if they were in the same room.
If you have ... more
If you have ... more
It really depends. If you're having cybersex or relying on your e-buddy for emotional closeness and support without having cleared it with your partner, I think that's just as much cheating as if they were in the same room.
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no. less
If you have opposite sex friends online that you have friendly conversations with, no. less
Because I can rely on them for emotional closeness and support :o
It's not the same as with a partner, but still... I guess there is something you didn't precise?
Originally posted by
This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
YES!!!! hands down
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This happens often and curious about what people think. If you found your spouse chatting online or e-mail other women/men would you consider that cheating if they were hiding it from you?
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