There's been some discussion on another thread about voting on reviews, so I thought it would be helpful to start a fresh thread on this.
Reviews have the option of being voted Extremely Useful, Useful, Somewhat Useful, Worth Reading but Not Useful, and Not Useful at all. Think of it like a grade scale, where Somewhat Useful is a C.
We aren't allowed to vote on our own reviews for a reason. It's the opinion of others on our review that matters, not our own.
Obviously, if a review is voted Extremely Useful, this is good.
If a review is voted Useful, this is also a good thing, not a bad thing. I think a lot of us get hung up on getting Extremely Useful votes, but everyone needs to keep in mind that Useful is good. It means your review was useful to the reader, it covered the bases, and helped give them an idea about the product. Useful is not a "down" vote at all.
It's often not appropriate to PM someone about why they voted the way they did on a review. This can put someone on the spot and make them uncomfortable when they shouldn't be and cause them not to vote and express their opinions on reviews.
We all need to not take votes we receive so personally, and not worry so much how people are voting, but that they are voting honestly on the review.
Reviews have the option of being voted Extremely Useful, Useful, Somewhat Useful, Worth Reading but Not Useful, and Not Useful at all. Think of it like a grade scale, where Somewhat Useful is a C.
We aren't allowed to vote on our own reviews for a reason. It's the opinion of others on our review that matters, not our own.
Obviously, if a review is voted Extremely Useful, this is good.
If a review is voted Useful, this is also a good thing, not a bad thing. I think a lot of us get hung up on getting Extremely Useful votes, but everyone needs to keep in mind that Useful is good. It means your review was useful to the reader, it covered the bases, and helped give them an idea about the product. Useful is not a "down" vote at all.
It's often not appropriate to PM someone about why they voted the way they did on a review. This can put someone on the spot and make them uncomfortable when they shouldn't be and cause them not to vote and express their opinions on reviews.
We all need to not take votes we receive so personally, and not worry so much how people are voting, but that they are voting honestly on the review.